How To Remove Fake Tan Easily At Home

Handy tips to get rid of that sunburnt orange hue in the comfort of your home

Medically reviewed by Dr. Schwarzburg, MD Dr. Schwarzburg Dr. SchwarzburgMD insta_icon
Written by , Editor Ramona Sinha Editor Experience: 11 years
Edited by , Associate Editor Eshna Das Associate Editor Experience: 3 years
Fact-checked by , Commerce Editor Shiboli Chakraborti Commerce Editor Experience: 4 years

Getting a fake tan can be tricky, especially if you are trying it for the first time. However, the situation might get trickier if you do not know how to remove a fake tan. The pigments may accumulate on the skin and give you a sunburned orange look, which is the last thing you want. In this article, we have discussed the 10 easiest ways to remove fake tan at home and some useful tips to avoid fake tan disasters. Scroll down to find out how to get a fake tan off the skin.

How To Remove Fake Tan At Home: 10 Easy Ways

You can wait for the fake tan to fade away naturally or try these quick and easy tips to remove it as quickly as possible.

1. Use A Fake Tan Remover

This is the first (and the most important) way to undo your tanning mishap. Apply generous amounts of tan removal foam on the tanned areas and wait for the duration mentioned on the product. Remove it before taking a shower. This is the best way to get rid of a stubborn fake tan. You can use fake tan remover on the face, body, hands, and feet.

Otherwise, you can try these home remedies listed below.

2. Exfoliate

Natural skin exfoliation can help in removing fake tan
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Take a shower and then use an exfoliating agent as a self-tanner removal treatment. This helps remove dead skin cells from the skin surface that are dyed by the fake tanning solution. For exfoliation, you may use a store bought exfoliant or a natural exfoliant like sugar. Use a sponge, a scrub, or an exfoliation mitt to rub off the fake tan.

Ensure that you do not over-scrub as it may irritate and worsen your skin condition. You can use exfoliators to remove fake tan from the face, body, hands, and feet.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Use separate exfoliators for the body and the face. Trust your regular liquid AHAsi  XPlant-derived exfoliating acids that remove dead skin cells to improve skin texture and even out skin tone. , BHAsi  XNaturally occurring oil-soluble exfoliating acids that penetrate deeper into the skin pores to decongest them and prevent acne. , and retinol.

3. Take A Warm Bath Or Spend Time In A Steam Room

This step is usually overlooked as it does not take your tan off. However, it can aid the removal process. When you spend time in a steam room, the moist hot air opens the skin pores to loosen the trapped tanning pigments. This ensures easy tan removal without harsh skin scrubbing and rubbing.

The same principle applies to warm showers or a relaxing warm bath. Before you exfoliate, spend some time in a steam room or shower to prepare your skin. This process is best for removing fake tan from the body and, to some extent, from the face. Make sure to moisturize afterward to avoid drying of the skin.

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Sweating can also open up pores. So, a good workout may also help fade a fake tan.

4. Moisturize Your Skin With Baby Oil

Woman using baby oil for tan removal
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Moisturizing your skin with baby oil can help remove fake tan. It feels soothing on the skin and may reduce your fake tan disaster. Slather the tanned area with baby oil and let your skin absorb it for at least half an hour. Gently exfoliate while showering. This not only removes fake tan but also makes your skin smooth.

You can also use olive oil instead of baby oil to remove fake tan. This is a gentle and effective way to remove fake tan from the face, body, hands, and feet.

5. Lemon Juice Can Also Help

A few drops of lemon juice can help you get rid of your natural summer tan as well as your fake tan. Lemon juice Lemon juice has skin bleaching properties and is a common ingredient in skin lightening and brightening creams like Lucederm, Meladerm, and Skin Bright (1). It may also help minimize the appearance of dark spots.

Dilute some lemon juice in water and apply it directly to the affected area. You can also cut a lemon in half, dip it in granulated sugar, and rub it as an exfoliator on the affected area.

Natalie Jade, in her tutorial video, grappled with a botched fake tan, ending up “basically orange.” She tried different methods for removal, beginning with a mixture of baking soda and water, and applying it to her hands. Despite initial improvement, she resorted to a second method, using sugar and lemon juice to scrub away the tan. She noted the efficacy of this method, “It is working, it’s doing the trick… it’s taking its time, it’s doing it gradually, but it is working (i).”

However, using lemon can increase skin photosensitivityi  XSkin conditions or symptoms, like rashes and inflammation, caused or aggravated by sun rays. (as it contains vitamin C) and cause irritation. Therefore, use sunscreen when you step out and limit your sun exposure. This remedy effectively removes the fake tan from the hands and feet. Ensure you avoid using lemon on your face as the facial skin is delicate and thin compared to the skin on your body.

6. Go For a Quick Swim In The Pool

Woman in swimming pool for fading fake tan
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Water in swimming pools contains chlorine. Anecdotal evidence suggests that chlorine may have an abrasive effect on your skin and can bleach it. So, after your trip to the pool, jump into the shower and gently exfoliate the areas to see all your fake tan fading away slowly.

Follow up with a moisturizer as the chlorine may dry out your skin. Chlorinated water can remove fake tan from the body, including hands, feet, and face.

7. Remove Fake Tan With Baking Soda

Baking soda is abrasive and can slough away the dead skin cells from the skin. This may help remove fake tan from your skin. You can mix baking soda and coconut oil, massage the tanned area with the paste, and wash it off after a few minutes.

However, be careful while using baking soda on your skin. It has a high pH value and is highly alkaline. Do not leave it on your skin for more than several minutes. Do a patch test before using it to confirm that your skin doesn’t have a negative reaction. Also, avoid using baking soda on your face.

Dr. Anna Chacon, a board-certified dermatologist, says, “Dish soap + baking soda is a good combination to remove fake tan. You can mix them in a 1:1 ratio and stir well to make a paste. You may then use a loofah to apply and scrub it. You may want to apply a moisturizing cream afterward to avoid dry skin.”

8. Try Toothpaste

Woman applying toothpaste to remove fake tan
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Toothpaste contains baking soda that may help remove fake tan from smaller areas, such as your fingers, toes, and the space between the fingers.

Gently rub the tanned area with toothpaste and a toothbrush. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before washing it off. Do not use toothpaste on your face as it contains ingredients that may irritate the delicate facial skin.

9. Use A Vinegar Rinse

Anecdotal evidence suggests that apple cider vinegar or plain white vinegar can effectively remove fake tan. Dilute vinegar with an equal amount of water. You can either use a spray bottle for application or use a cotton ball. Leave it on for a minute and rinse with cold water.

This remedy is perfect for removing fake tan from all body parts, including your face. However, do a patch test to avoid an allergic reaction.

10. Use Gram Flour

Gram flour (besan) is used in traditional skin care recipes because of its mild exfoliating properties. It can brighten the skin and reduce tanning (2).

You can mix some gram flour with yogurt or water and apply it over the tanned area. Gently massage the mix and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. This remedy can gradually remove the fake tan and is perfect for removing tan from your face, body, hands, and feet.

Some people believe that face washes are excellent options for removing fake tan. According to Dr. Anna Chacon, a board-certified dermatologist, “Not all face wash can be used in removing fake tan. I will recommend using a sulfate-free facial wash to gently cleanse and remove the substance, especially on the face, which is very sensitive.”

You can also check out this video for a quick guide to fake tan removal at home:

Now, you don’t need to worry about the patchy brown or orange marks of fake tan on your knees, ankles, and elbows. However, if you take a few precautions, you can pass off your bronzed sun-kissed glow as a natural tan. You don’t even need to put much effort into convincing your co-workers that you had an extraordinary beach holiday and were not sitting at home, binge-watching your favorite TV series. Here is how.

How To Avoid A Fake Tan Disaster

Fake tan disaster on face and neck
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First and foremost, prepare your skin before you get a fake tan to avoid any tan-related mishaps.

Here are all the things you need to do the day before your fake tanning session:

  • Remove all your body hair to create a smooth canvas for your tan.
  • Exfoliate your skin with a scrub or a gentle skin peeling agent, such as oatmeal.
  • Apply an oil-free body moisturizer to your skin to prevent dryness.
  • Shave 24 hours before you apply a fake tan. This will give your skin pores a breather to seal themselves up and prevent the dye pigments from accumulating inside them.
protip_icon Quick Tip
Between tanning sessions, make sure all traces from your previous fake tan are gone, as it will help you get an evenly spread tan.

How Long Does Fake Tan Last?

Typically, a fake tan lasts for about 5-7 days as it latches onto your outermost skin layer, which sheds over time. However, the longevity of a fake tan depends on other factors as well, including your skin tone, skin type, and the type of self-tanner you use.

  • Skin Type
    • Sunburned skin peels easily, so the fake tan lasts for just 1-2 days.
    • Oily skin holds on to a fake tan for 5-6 days.
    • Dry skin does not absorb much product and sheds faster, so the tan lasts 1-2 days.
  • Skin Tone
    • Chestnut skin tones are the winners, keeping the color for 2-3 days.
    • Olive skin holds on to a fake for 1-3 days.
    • Fair skin can keep the color for 2-4 days.
  • Shade

A high-quality spray tan in a dark shade can last up to a week, while lighter bronze shades start fading within 5 days.

Right before you start tanning, moisturize your skin, especially the wrists, elbows, hands, feet, and ankles. These areas are more prone to dryness than the rest of your body. Moisturizing creates a barrier on your skin and prevents it from absorbing excess color pigments.

Infographic: Reasons To Remove Your Fake Tan

Getting a fake tan is no easy task. If you are just a beginner, this can be daunting and can result in a tanning disaster. The good news is a few home remedies can remove your fake tan easily. But then – why even remove it? That is what we have discussed in the infographic below. Check it out.

reasons to remove your fake tan (infographic)

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A fake tan, if not done properly, can lead to disastrous results. You can either wait for it to go away on its own or use simple tips to remove the fake tan at home. The first step is to use sunless tanning removal products to get rid of it. If you do not have access to a fake tan remover, you can exfoliate or you can use baking soda or lemon juice to remove those patchy orange marks. Last, but not least, shave your body hair and use baby oil to keep your skin moisturized and prevent any tanning mishaps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Vaseline remove fake tan?

Dr. Anna Chacon, a board-certified dermatologist, says, “Vaseline is not really an option to remove fake tan. Vaseline is made from a mixture of hydrocarbons developed from petroleum. It is essentially grease. It is used to hydrate the skin and sometimes acts as a barrier cream as well. It is a good skin moisturizer, though.

Will coconut oil remove fake tan?

Coconut oil, along with other ingredients like baking soda, are used to remove tan. In addition, you can prepare scrubs, face masks, and de-tan packs with coconut oil with brown sugar, honey, yogurt, and turmeric.

Do hot baths remove fake tan?

Soaking in a hot bath will not remove tan on its own. But the moist air and heat from hot baths help open the pores and can make the tan removal process easier.

Does fake tan age your face?

Fake tanning involves an oxidation process that is linked to aging. The ingredients used in fake tanners may cause wrinkles, fine lines, or skin sagging. However, limited research is available to prove these claims.

Can fake tan make moles darker?

Yes. Fake tan darkens the surface of the skin, which can cause the moles to appear darker.

Key Takeaways

  • Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells from the skin surface dyed by a fake tanning solution.
  • Toothpaste contains baking soda that may help remove fake tan from smaller areas like fingers and toes.
  • Moisturize your skin before tanning, especially the wrists, elbows, hands, feet, and ankles. These areas are more prone to dryness.
how to remove a fake tan

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

“Having a fake tan fail? Don’t worry; the following video is here to show you how to quickly and easily remove fake tan from your hands! Check it out!”

Personal Experience: Source


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