Dr. Meredith Gantos is a general dentist practicing in Naperville, Illinois. She has a strong passion for cosmetic dentistry, dental surgery, implantology, and sedation. She takes great pride in utilizing her advanced skills to help patients achieve beautiful, healthy, long-lasting smiles. Her advanced training in sedation dentistry ensures patient comfort and safety are always a top priority. She is a published author and member of the ADA, ISDS, CDS, IAGD, AACD, and ADSA. She prides herself on staying current with the latest research and trends and volunteers regularly, providing free dentistry throughout the world.
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Lack of oral hygiene or food getting stuck in your teeth can cause swollen and painful gums. If your gums bleed at the slightest touch of your brush, it may be a symptom of a gum disease called gingivitis or […]
Mouth ulcers are excruciatingly painful and can cause discomfort while trying to eat and speak. To understand how to get rid of mouth ulcers naturally, you need to know what’s causing them. For instance, you can take multivitamin supplements to […]
A toothache is one of the most excruciating pains you can endure. It can be painful and . Thankfully, there are some home remedies for toothaches that you can try out to treat the issue at home. If you have […]