Ice Cube On Face: 15 Beauty Benefits

"Chilling" out may be the key to glowing skin, soothing acne, and reducing dark circles.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Vindhya L Veerula, MD, FAAD Dr. Vindhya L Veerula Dr. Vindhya L VeerulaMD, FAAD facebook_icontwitter_iconinsta_icon
Written by , Editor Ramona Sinha Editor Experience: 11 years
Edited by , Associate Editor Anjali Sayee Associate Editor Experience: 7 years
Fact-checked by , Associate Commerce Editor Krati Darak Associate Commerce Editor Experience: 3 years

Using a cube of ice for your face has some amazing and surprising benefits. That’s correct! Besides using your regular skin care products, rubbing an ice cube all over your neck and face area once a day has tremendous benefits and can help your skin care products produce faster and more efficient results. An ice cube is an optimum choice for all your problems, whether you are attempting to get rid of a zit or make your cosmetics last long on a hot summer day. An ice cube on your face, regardless of your skin condition, can perform wonders. So, let’s have a look at the benefits of rubbing ice on the face and how it works. Keep reading!

Rubbing Ice Cube On Face: Is It Good?

Rubbing ice on your face after a hectic day is exceptionally refreshing. But, is ice good for your face? If everyday stress is taking a toll on your face and skin, ice can help. Applying ice on the face boosts blood circulation to your face and supports skin radiance.

If you haven’t heard about the ‘Ice Facial’ yet, let me tell you that it is a prevalent Korean beauty trend. This has inspired beauty conscious people across the world to rub ice all over their face to keep it glowing and make it appear smoother. This facial ice technique is now a beauty trend.

I know I’ve got you interested now! This cool trend is worth a try as it offers multiple benefits. How? Read on to know about ice facial benefits.

Benefits Of Rubbing Ice Cube On Face

Dr. Alberto de la Fuente Garcia, a board-certified dermatologist, says, “Ice can be applied to your face if you are looking to reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling. Ice can also help soothe irritated skin caused by conditions like acne or eczema. When applying ice to your face, it is important to wrap the ice in a clean cloth or paper towel before placing it on the affected area.” A skin freezing ice massage on the face can be the all-year-round savior for your skin. Here’s how:

1. Key To Glowing Skin

A woman with glowing skin
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Everyone wants radiant and glowing skin, and an ice massage on the face can give you just that. It improves blood circulation to your skin and makes it bright (1). Applying ice to your face constricts the blood vessels, which initially lowers the blood flow to your skin. To balance that, your body starts circulating more blood to your face, which makes it lively and radiant.

2. Enhances Product Absorption

This is an age-old trick that ensures the skin absorbs all the products you apply to it. If you have applied night cream or any serum on your skin, rub an ice cube over it. This constricts the capillaries on your face and creates a pulling effect on your skin which, in turn, helps in better absorption of the products.

3. Eliminates Dark Circles

A woman with dark circles under her eyes
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Applying ice to your face regularly can help you deal with stubborn dark circles. What you need to do is boil some rose water and mix cucumber juice in it. Freeze this mixture and then apply the ice cube to your eye area. But, don’t expect results overnight. As it works slowly, you will need to repeat this procedure for a few days to see results.

4. Calms And Soothes Acne On Your Face

If you are already frustrated with the pestering acne on your face, let ice cubes work their magic on it. When you use an ice cube on your face, it helps minimize oil production on your skin. It also works well in curing the bumps and swelling caused by acne (2).

Fexa, a lifestyle blogger, includes ice cubes in her list of top four solutions for acne. She reports, “Overall I give it a solid 8/10 for getting rid of my acne spots. This method was a great help for when I suddenly broke out and needed a little ‘pick me up’ with handling my breakouts (i).” However, she does mention that she finds it a hassle that it has to be done every day for better results, and that as the ice melts, it gets slippery and messy.

5. For Those Under Eye Bags

Tired looking eyes are such a big turn off! The excessive fluid accumulation under the eyes can be treated with an ice cube. Just move it in a circular motion from the inner corner of your eyes towards the eyebrows. This helps in reducing the swelling.

6. Constricts The Skin Pores

Your face has pores that release natural oils and perspiration, thus aiding in keeping it clean. However, if dirt gets accumulated in the pores, it causes pimples and acne. Rubbing an ice cube on your face after washing it helps shrink the pores and helps with skin toning. This keeps out the dirt from the pores and your face clean. This benefit of ice on face is the reason for the use of ice cube for face during facials.

7. Makes Your Foundation Look Flawless

This is one beauty hack that never fails. Rub an ice cube all over your face before applying foundation. This makes your makeup look flawless and long-lasting.

8. Reduces The Appearance Of Wrinkles

Applying ice may help control wrinkles
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While you cannot reverse your age, you can control the signs of aging. Applying ice cubes on your face helps in controlling wrinkles and signs of aging. It not only helps in reducing the existing ones but also prevents the formation of new lines and may help with skin firming (3).

9. Softens Your Lips

Have chapped lips? Apply ice cubes on them! This helps in reducing the inflammation. Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water to keep your skin and lips hydrated.

10. Is An Easy Remedy For Heat Rashes

Those who have suffered from heat rashes know the pain. Ice cubes are a natural remedy to cure such rashes. Wrap them up in a cotton cloth and rub over the affected area. This relieves the inflammation from the heat rashes and promotes skin healing and skin nourishment.

11. Relieves Sunburn

Ice can help relieve sunburn
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This is also a magic cure for your sunburns. After applying ice cubes on the sunburnt area, you can see a significant reduction in inflammation and redness. However, sunburns fade with time and with regular application.

12. Gives You An Oil-Free Look

While having oily skin is a bane in itself, too much oiliness can be especially bothersome. Oily skin is often prone to outbreaks. Applying ice on the face benefits by reducing excess oil production. This is because rubbing ice packs shrinks the oil-producing pores, thus reducing excessive oiliness.

13. Reduces Tweezing Inflammation

Tweezing your eyebrows is something you can’t go without. However, you cannot deny the pain caused by the process. You don’t need to suffer through that pain anymore. Rub an ice cube on the area to numb the pain and reduce skin inflammation.

14. Exfoliates Your Skin

When it comes to exfoliation, you can ditch all the commercially available exfoliators for an all-natural and pure method. Rub your face with milk ice cubes. Milk contains lactic acid that helps in clearing all the dead skin cells while the ice cube improves your radiance and natural glow.

15. Is Your Natural Makeup

Last minute rush? Don’t have enough time to apply your makeup? Spare just 2 minutes and rub an ice cube all over your face. Ice therapy on your face helps with skin rejuvenation as well as improved skin complexion and skin texture with ice exfoliation.

Now, let’s amp up this ice game with a few more hacks. No doubt, applying plain ice cubes on your face will help, but mixing it with herbs and blends can be even more helpful. Here are a few refreshing ice cube hacks for you.

Get Full Benefits Of Ice Cubes With These Natural Remedies

1. Green Tea Ice Cubes For Tired And Puffy Eyes

What You Need
  • 2-3 green tea bags
  • Water
  • Ice tray
  1. Put the green tea bags in hot water.
  2. Brew strong green tea.
  3. Pour it into an ice cube tray and place it in the freezer.
  4. Apply a cube every day on your dark circles and puffy eyes.
  5. Let the water dry on its own. Avoid washing your face after this.
How Does It Help?

Green tea contains antioxidants, and the ice helps reduce swelling and appearance of dark circles.

2. Aloe Vera Ice Cubes For Soothing Your Skin After Sun Exposure

Aloe vera cubes for soothing your skin after sun exposure
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What You Need

Aloe vera extract (enough to fill your ice tray)

  1. Pour the aloe vera extract into the ice cube tray. You can also blend it a bit before you do so.
  2. Place the ice tray in a freezer.
  3. Apply on your face after sun exposure.
  4. Let it dry and do not wash off afterward.
How Does It Help?

Aloe vera calms your skin and reduces inflammation (4). The ice has a soothing impact on your skin that’s scorched due to sun exposure. You will instantly feel relaxed and provides skin moisturization.

3. Cooling Cucumber Ice Cubes

What You Need
  • 1 cucumber (or more, depending on your ice tray capacity)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  1. Blend the cucumber in a blender and mix the lemon juice into it.
  2. Pour it in the ice tray and let it freeze until the cubes are formed.
  3. Apply on your face after coming back home from a tiring day.
  4. Do not wash or dry your skin with a towel. Let it dry naturally.
How Does It Help?

The combination of cucumber, lemon, and ice is incredibly soothing for tired skin. Cucumber has a skin cooling effect while lemon helps with skin brightening.

4. Acne Busting Cinnamon Ice Cubes

What You Need
  • Water (as per your need)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (or 4-5 drops cinnamon essential oil)
  • 3-4 drops rosehip oil
  1. Mix the oils (or cinnamon powder) in water.
  2. Pour it in the ice tray and make ice cubes.
  3. Apply to the affected area or all over your face.
  4. Let the liquid dry. Do not wash.
  5. Follow this routine 3 times a week.
How Does It Help?

Cinnamon has antibacterial properties while rosehip contains vitamin C. Ice shrinks your pores, thus reducing excessive oiliness.

5. Rose Petal Antibacterial Ice Cubes

What You Need
  • 1 cup dried rose petals
  • 4-5 drops rosehip oil
  • Water
  1. Mix all the ingredients in water and pour in the ice tray.
  2. Let the ice cubes set and then apply all over your face and neck.
  3. Let the liquid dry on its own. Don’t wash.
How Does It Help?

Rosehip oil has an antibacterial and anti-aging effect on your skin. Rose petals also have antibacterial properties that help in skin detoxification and skin calming.

Now you know the tricks to make ice cubes work for your skin. However, there are several things you need to keep in mind before you start using ice cubes on your face.

Ice Therapy For Face: Tips To Consider

protip_icon Quick Tip
Avoid using exfoliating acids and ingredients like retinol after applying ice on the face to reduce the risk of skin irritation.
  • Nothing done in excess is good. Avoid rubbing ice on your skin multiple times a day. Also, never apply ice cubes directly on your face. Always wrap them in a cotton cloth and then use.
  • Before you start the ice treatment, ensure that your face is clean and without any makeup.
  • Spend not more than a minute on a particular area while rubbing the ice cube on your face.
  • Be careful while applying ice cubes around the eyes, especially if they contain any other ingredients. Ensure that they don’t enter the eyes.
  • Always massage and rub in small circular motions.
  • Remember, the ice therapy session should not last longer than 10-15 minutes. For best results, follow this therapy either in the morning or the evening.
protip_icon Quick Tip
Always apply a soothing moisturizer to prep your skin before using ice cubes to protect the skin barrier.

Ice cubes can be a bit harsh on the skin. But worry not. You can use ice rollers and globes instead. Read on to learn more about them.

Ice Globes Vs. Ice Roller

Ice globes and ice rollers are both skin care tools used for massaging the skin, but they have distinct differences. Ice globes are typically two spherical glass or plastic globes filled with a cooling liquid. Ice rollers have a rolling head and a handle.

Ice globes offer a broader, all-over facial treatment, efficiently reducing puffiness, calming redness, and stimulating circulation. In contrast, ice rollers are more precise for spot treatments and target specific areas. Ice globes are also versatile, suitable for use on the face and body, and even for headache relief. Both tools have similar benefits. However, ice globes can be more expensive than rollers. You can choose any of them, based on your preferences.

Infographic: Top Skin Benefits Of Using Ice Cube On The Face

There are several benefits of applying ice on the face. Be it solving your skin care woes or acting as a natural makeup, ice cubes can do wonders. Though we have discussed all those benefits above, we would like to take highlight how it helps treat some of the common skin care troubles we all face. Check out the infographic to learn the top skin care benefits of using ice cubes on the face.

top skin benefits of using ice cube on the face (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Ice therapy has immense skin care benefits. From enhancing product absorption and reducing dark circles to soothing and calming acne and inflammation on your face, ice cubes have a lot to offer. However, you have to ensure to follow the correct procedure and avoid frequent application to reap the maximum benefits of the therapy. Follow the tips discussed in the article and you may also customize the ice cube recipes as per your choice. So, next time when your skin requires a quick pick-me-up, reach out for an ice cube.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should you ice your face?

Dr. Alberto de la Fuente Garcia says, “Ice should be applied for no more than 10 minutes at a time, several times a day, as needed. Also, don’t just focus on one area – move the ice around on your skin to get the full effect. It is also important to be mindful of your skin’s sensitivity and not apply the ice for too long or in one spot, as this can cause damage and irritation. With that said, if you feel any burning or stinging sensations, it’s time to remove the ice.”

What is the right way of applying ice to your face?

“Instead of using ice directly on your skin, you can also try using cool compresses or chilled cucumber slices. These will provide the same benefits (reducing inflammation and irritation) while being much gentler on your skin,” says Dr. Garcia.

Is ice good for armpits?

Ice cubes can help to keep your skin odor-free and promote skin hydration. It can even be used on your underarms to reduce excessive sweating and body odor.

Can I use ice on my face every day?

Yes, you can rub ice on your face every day to get rid of puffiness.

Key Takeaways

  • Use ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth or paper towel on your face to reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling.
  • Rubbing ice on the face may also help manage dark circles, soothe acne, and depuff under eye bags.
  • It also enhances product absorption, reduces the appearance of pores and wrinkles, and gives an oil-free look.
  • Ice exfoliates the skin, relieves sunburn, and is also a remedy for heat rashes.
Ice for Face

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Watch the following video to experience the incredible skin transformation after a 7-day journey of rubbing ice cubes on the face. Witness the surprising effects it had on the skin, revealing a radiant and revitalized complexion.

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body
  2. Guidelines for cryotherapy
  3. Safety and effectiveness of focused cold therapy for the treatment of hyperdynamic forehead wrinkles
  4. The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Prevention and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review
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