Top 11 Wonderful Benefits Of Rosemary Tea

From soothing anxiety to improving hair and skin health – this tea does it all!

Medically reviewed by Alexandra Dusenberry, MS, RDN Alexandra Dusenberry Alexandra DusenberryMS, RDN twitter_iconlinkedin_iconinsta_icon
Written by , Health & Wellness Writer Swathi Handoo Health & Wellness Writer Experience: 4 years
Edited by , Senior Editor Ravi Teja Tadimalla Senior Editor Experience: 8 years
Fact-checked by , Senior Health & Wellness Writer Payal Karnik Senior Health & Wellness Writer Experience: 2.5 years

Rosemary tea’s benefits are so far-reaching that this Mediterranean shrub has been used in alternative medicine for centuries. Rosemary spice is also commonly used in many ethnic cuisines. So, how does rosemary tea benefit your health? How do you prepare it at home? And does it have any potential side effects? This article digs deeper into this popular tea and answers all these queries. Keep scrolling to check them out!

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Rosemary Tea

What Is It?
A fragrant herbal tea prepared from rosemary leaves, and has a pine flavor.

What Are Its Benefits?
It may aid in weight loss, support stress management, and improve digestion.

Who Can Consume It?
It can be consumed by anyone except for pregnant women and people who are allergic to aspirin or salicylate drugs.

How Often?
It is best to consume it around 3-4 times a day for optimal health.

It is generally considered very safe, however excessive intake might cause nausea and vomiting.

About Rosemary Tea

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a fragrant, culinary herb that belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and is native to the Mediterranean region.

Apart from being used in cooking, medicine, essential oils, aromatherapy, making fragrances, and for other aesthetic purposes, rosemary has gained immense popularity among health freaks because of the benefits its tea offers.

Rosemary tea is a simple preparation that smells of fresh forest and the sea. It has a soothing flavor and taste and can be combined with fresh lemon, mint, chamomile, and honey.

Read on to find out the benefits of this subtle beverage.

Benefits Of Rosemary Tea

Rosemary tea is rich in diterpenes, flavonoids, phenolic derivatives, glycosides, and other phytochemicals that give it medicinal properties. The tea aids weight loss, boosts memory, prevents cancer, and aids digestion. Here’s a list of the wonders this tea does for you:

1. Treats Alzheimer’s And Related Disorders

Traditional medicine used rosemary to improve memory power, and concentration and prevent memory loss.

Alzheimer’s is a condition that causes severe dementia and degradation of neuronal cells in people suffering from it.

Rosemary tea has diterpenes that inhibit neuronal cell death and exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antidepressant, and anxiolytic properties (1). Hence, having rosemary tea can help decelerate the loss of memory and disability.

protip_icon Trivia
To perform better on exams and tests, students in ancient Greece specifically used to consume rosemary herbal extracts.

2. Helps In Gradual Weight Loss

Rosemary tea benefits include gradual weight loss
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The phytochemical components of this tea inhibit the activity of lipase – an enzyme that breaks fats down to generate lipids.

Since lipase is inactive, there is no breakdown of fats. You will feel fuller and will not binge and pile on extra pounds.

3. May Help In Cancer Treatment

There are studies demonstrating the effect of rosemary on breast cancer. Specific constituents like rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid (found in rosemary tea) may support cancer treatment.

These chemicals are potent antioxidants and anti-proliferativei  XThe property of a substance to suppress the growth of cells, especially malignant cells, and help prevent cancer from spreading. and can protect your cells from free radical damage and may help boost the immune system (2).

4. Manages Stress And Anxiety

Woman sips rosemary tea and feels stress-free
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Lifestyle and occupational disorders are on the rise. And apparently, we are all more depressed than our parents and grandparents. That’s a bad sign!

Including herbal teas like rosemary tea in your diet brings significant changes in your stress levels.

It contains ursolic acid and rosmarinic acid that exhibit antioxidative and anti-depressant effects, thus it helps impart a sense of relaxation to the mind and body. Also, it helps provide stress relief and manage burnout and anxiety (3).

Rosemary tea increases your tolerance levels and soothes you by working on your brain and hormones effectively, as opposed to steroidal drugs that have serious repercussions.

5. Aids Digestion And Prevents Obesity

Rosemary tea benefits include aiding in digestion and preventing obesity
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Not all microbes are harmful because we house a bunch of them in our gut!

The composition of these microbes affects your digestion and absorption. Rosemary tea supports the growth of those species (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, etc.), which helps in selective absorption of fiber and breakdown of lipids. This prevents obesity (4).

 6. Protects Your Liver From Damage

Rosemary tea has bioactive compounds that have free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory properties.

Carnosol is one such compound that protects your liver cells from chemical stress and inflammation. Rosemary tea inhibits the formation of harmful peroxides in the liver and preserves the structural integrity of hepatocytesi  XThey are a type of cells in the parenchymal tissues in the liver, which make up 80% of the liver. (5).

Say bye to cirrhosis and jaundice!

7. Has Anti-Aging Properties

Due to the presence of powerful antioxidants and antimicrobial phytochemicals, rosemary tea is a skin savior. Drinking it or applying it can cure bacterial or fungal infections, lesions, acne, and blisters.

The antioxidants like rosmarinic acid eliminate the free radicals that cause wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation. Rosemary tea also tightens sagging skin to make it look younger, fresh, and glowing.

8. Is An Excellent Antidiabetic Additive

Traditional medicine used the leaves of rosemary to treat hypoglycemia (deficient levels of glucose in the blood).

It contains camphene, borneol, luteolin, hesperidin, and carnosol that inhibit lipid peroxidation and trigger the production of antioxidant enzymes (6).

These phytochemicals are potent antidiabetogenicsi  XThe property of an agent or substance to prevent the onset of diabetes by controlling blood sugar content. and can also manage insulin dependence in diabetic individuals.

9. Promotes Hair Growth

Rosemary tea benefits include promoting hair growth
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Rosemary tea is a blessing in disguise for all those who have been suffering from hair loss. It improves blood circulation (carrying oxygen and nutrients) to your hair follicles, which, in turn, boosts hair growth.

Rinsing your hair regularly with rosemary tea will solve problems like baldness, dandruff, hair fall, premature graying, and thinning.

The antioxidants remove any product build-up and treat fungal infections on your scalp, giving you healthy hair.

10. Relieves Inflammation And Pain

The herb has antinociceptivei  XIt is the action or process of blocking the sensory neurons from detecting a painful or injurious stimulus. properties and can heal aching joints, inflammation, and painful allergic reactions.

Rosemary tea acts by improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and eliminating free radicals or chemical stress to relieve cramps or neuralgici  XA short, severe pain felt suddenly along the nerves (generally in the head or neck) due to damaged or irritated nerves. pain.

11. May Relieve Allergic Reactions

Rosemary tea may offer relief for allergy symptoms due to its rich rosmarinic acid content. Rosmarinic acid is renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and has been utilized in the treatment of asthma, allergic rhinitis, and other allergic disorders. Studies show that rosmarinic acid may effectively reduce allergic responses and is often used in conjunction with antioxidants and other plant-based supplements. It demonstrates its effectiveness in managing allergies by scavenging free radicals and suppressing allergic immune reactions (7). In particular, rosemary extract has also shown promise in inhibiting mast cell activation, a key player in allergic hypersensitivity (8). Thus, this tea is a valuable natural option for those affected by allergies.

It is hard to believe that a wild herb growing in your backyard can do such wonders for you, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you want to make the magic potion all by yourself and get a taste of its abilities?

Yes, this is the surprise I mentioned about. It’s time to learn how to make rosemary tea. Scroll down for the recipes.

How Do You Make Rosemary Tea?

Rosemary tea for good health
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Here’s the recipe to make rejuvenating rosemary tea.

What You Need

  • 1 teaspoon rosemary leaves and stems (dried, fresh or powdered)
  • 1 cup filtered water
  • 1 teaspoon honey or sugar (optional)

Let’s Make It!

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a teapot and lower the heat/flame.
  2. Add the rosemary herb to water. Let it steep for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture into your teacup.
  4. Add the honey/sugar. Mix well.
  5. Sit back and sip!

Jess, a blogger, shared her experience about preparing and consuming tea with rosemary, ginger, and lemon to boost digestion in her personal blog. She said, “This is perfect for chilly winter days when the meal you’ve just eaten is sitting like lead in your tummy, and you need a little bit of warming and revitalization. The rosemary will pick you up a bit (and help with headaches, if you’ve got one), the ginger is soothing and aids in digestion, and the lemon is cleansing and astringent, thus lending a decided freshness to the completed tea (i).” She added, “Rosemary, or any herb for that matter, retains its energetic imprint and personality even after harvesting, which is what allows it to turn into medicine in our bodies.”

Antioxidant Properties Of Herbal Teas

Flavonoids are leading antioxidant compounds in plants that exhibit several therapeutic properties. But the phenolic content of herbal teas prepared by plant extracts rich in flavonoids is often determined by their brewing temperature. Rosemary tea has the highest flavonoid content when brewed at 100 degrees C. Here is the total flavonoid content of different herbal teas brewed at different temperatures.

Antioxidant Properties Of Herbal Teas

Source: Antioxidant Properties of Some Herbal Teas (Green tea, Senna, Corn Silk, Rosemary) Brewed at Different Temperatures
protip_icon Quick Tip
If you’re vegan, you can replace honey with agave syrup, a naturally occurring sweetener made from several agave plant species.

Now comes the bonus! Read on to know how to make rosemary rinse for your hair.

The Rosemary Rinse (For Smooth, Shiny And Healthy Hair)

What You Need

  • 2 tablespoons of fresh rosemary leaves or 1/2 cup of rosemary tea (recipe above, do not add sweetener)
  • 2 cups of water

Optional Add-ons

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried thyme, sage leaves, and lavender flowers
  • Almond oil or argan oil

Let’s Make It!

  1. Bring the water to a boil and add the rosemary herb. (You can also add thyme, sage leaves, and lavender flowers.)
  2. Reduce the heat/flame to a simmer and cover the vessel.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, switch off the heat/flame.
  4. Let the mixture sit to cool down. You will have a dark brown liquid with an oily layer.
  5. Strain the contents into a squeeze bottle.
  6. Rinse your hair with this mixture after shampooing regularly for best results.

Note: Wait for 2-3 minutes before washing the mixture off with water.

Fun Facts About Rosemary

  • In the 16th century, rosemary was often burned in sick rooms and hospitals to kill germs.
  • Quite a surprise, but rosemary herb attracts bees!
  • In old English tradition, brides gave twigs of rosemary to the bridegrooms as a symbol of fidelity.

After all the praises and uses, what if I tell you that like all herbal formulations, rosemary tea also has its share of side effects?

Yes, unfortunately, it does.

Side Effects Of Having Rosemary Tea

Most side effects are due to the herb itself. There is very less information about rosemary tea specifically.

Ingestion of a high amount of rosemary herb in any form might have the following drawbacks:

  • Allergy

If you are allergic to aspirin or salicylate drugs, you might develop an allergy to rosemary tea.

  • Pregnancy Risks

Pregnant women might face a risk of uterine bleeding if they consume a high amount of rosemary extract. It might also cause menstrual cycle and abortions in such women.

  • Worsens Seizures

Though it has anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties, an overdose of rosemary tea might worsen seizures or epilepsyi  XA central nervous system disorder in which abnormal brain activity causes seizures or unusual behavior and loss of awareness. .

So, What’s The Verdict?

Infographic: Top 4 Health Benefits Of Rosemary Tea

Rosemary tea has been used for centuries due to its known medicinal value. The presence of flavonoids, phytochemicals, and phenolic acids in this herbal concoction makes it an excellent addition to your diet. To help you out, we have compiled the top 4 benefits of rosemary tea you should know about. Check out the infographic below to know more!

top 4 health benefits of rosemary tea (infographic)

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The benefits of rosemary tea can be attributed to its rich phytochemicals and flavonoids. This flavored tea may help treat Alzheimer’s and related disorders, help with gradual weight loss, fight against free radical damage, manage stress and anxiety, aid in digestion, help treat obesity, and protect from liver damage. In addition, it may tighten skin and promote hair growth. However, excess consumption of rosemary tea may cause allergic reactions, worsen seizures, and potentially be harmful during pregnancy. Hence, take it in moderation to enjoy its benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much rosemary tea is good for health?

It is safe to have one to three cups a day. Consult your doctor if you want to consume more than the recommended dosage as it might have serious side effects.

Can I make rosemary tea with milk?

Yes, you can make rosemary tea with milk. You may boil a cup of milk with the herb and add a teaspoon of honey to enhance the flavor.

Is rosemary good for kidneys?

Yes, rosemary can help improve kidney health and reduce the severity of complications associated with kidney failure (9).

Does rosemary raise blood pressure?

Yes. The abundance of oxides and monoterpenes in rosemary can stimulate the nervous system and raise blood pressure (10).

Can I freeze fresh rosemary leaves?

Yes, you can freeze fresh rosemary leaves in ice cube trays suspended in either olive oil or filtered water.

Is rosemary good for blood clots?

Rosemary has antithrombotic effects, meaning it may help reduce the formation of blood clots (11). It may have a direct inhibitory effect on platelets.

Does rosemary help improve respiratory health?

Yes, rosemary may help improve respiratory function as it exhibits anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic properties that may help reduce lung infection and respiratory problems (12).

Key Takeaways

  • Rosemary tea helps reduce inflammation and stress and aid in digestion.
  • The antioxidants in rosemary tea help eliminate free radicals, which are responsible for fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Consumption of rosemary tea may worsen seizures and cause an allergic reaction.
rosemary tea benefits

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Discover the surprising health benefits of rosemary tea. Click on this video to learn how this herbal tea can help improve your overall health and well-being.

Personal Experience: Source


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. The Therapeutic Potential of Rosemary…” Evidence-Based Alternate and Complementary Medicine
  2. Antioxidative and anti-proliferative properties…” Oncology reports, US National Library of Medicine
  3. The effect of Rosmarinus herbal tea on…” Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research
  4. A Rosemary Extract Rich in Carnosic acid…: US National Library of Medicine
  5. Protective effect of carnosol on…” European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  6. In vivo assessment of antidiabetic…” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine
  7. Rosmarinic Acid as a Novel…” Journal of Restorative Medicine.
  8. Attenuation of allergen-mediated…” Journal of Leukocyte Biology
  9. Oral administration of the..” Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases
  10. Effects of Inhaled Rosemary Oil…” Scientia Pharmaceutica
  11. Testing various herbs for antithrombotic effect..” Nutrients
  12. Prophylactic and curative effect of rosemary leaves extract in a bleomycin model of pulmonary fibrosis
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