81 Friendship Poems To Celebrate Your Special Bond

Your BFF is your person through thick and thin – these poems describe that beautiful bond.

Reviewed by John Ryan De Oca, Relationship Expert John Ryan De Oca John Ryan De OcaRelationship Expert insta_icon
Written by , Beauty & Lifestyle Writer Sneha Tete Beauty & Lifestyle Writer linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , Associate Editor Shatabdi Bhattacharya Associate Editor Experience: 2.5 years

Friendship is one of the most beautiful aspects of human existence, and it is not bound by time, age, distance, and status. Many friendship poems celebrate the special bond you share with your loved one. Enduring relationships are made with consistent efforts that encourage strong bonding over a period of a long time. When you want to convey To All My Friends – By May Yangour feelings to a friend, just words won’t suffice. Poetry is a literary form that expresses feelings well, and it serves this purpose perfectly! You can use any of these 81 friendship poems in the article to express how much you appreciate this companionship and what their support means to you. Browse through them below.

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1. A Golden Chain – By Helen Steiner Rice

Friendship is a golden chain,
The links are friends so dear,
And like a rare and precious jewel
It’s treasured more each year.

It’s clasped together firmly
With a love that’s deep and true,
And it’s rich with happy memories
And fond recollections, too.

Time can’t destroy its beauty
For as long as memory lives,
Years can’t erase the pleasure
That the joy of friendship gives.

For friendship is a priceless gift
That can’t be bought or sold,
But to have an understanding friend
Is worth far more than gold.

And the golden chain of friendship
Is a strong and blessed tie,
Binding kindred hearts together
As the years go passing by.

2. Your Kind Of Friendship – By Anonymous

It takes more than caring
To be a real friend
The nature of friendship
Requires a blend
Of warmest compassion
And love deep and true
To reach and to comfort
The way that you do
Because I can see
That your kind of friendship
Is priceless to me.

3. To All My Friends – By May Yang

That I could be this human at this time
breathing, looking, seeing, smelling
That I could be this moment at this time
resting, calmly moving, feeling
That I could be this excellence at this time
sudden, changed, peaceful, & woke
To all my friends who have been with me in weakness
when water falls rush down my two sides
To all my friends who have felt me in anguish
when this earthen back breaks between the crack of two blades
To all my friends who have held me in rage
when fire tears through swallows behind tight grins
I know you
I see you
I hear you
Although the world is silent around you
I know you
I see you
I hear you

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4. The Friend – By Matt Hart

The friend lives half in the grass
and half in the chocolate cake,
walks over to your house in the bashful light
of November, or the forceful light of summer.
You put your hand on her shoulder,
or you put your hand on his shoulder.
The friend is indefinite. You are both
so tired, no one ever notices the sleeping bags
inside you and under your eyes when you’re talking
together about the glue of this life, the sticky
saturation of bodies into darkness. The friend’s crisis
of faith about faith is unnerving in its power
to influence belief, not in or toward some other
higher power, but away from all power in the grass
or the lake with your hand on her shoulder, your hand
on his shoulder. You tell the friend the best things
you can imagine, and every single one of them has
already happened, so you recount them
of great necessity with nostalgic, atomic ferocity,
and one by one by one until many. The eggbirds whistle
the gargantuan trees. The noiserocks fall twisted
into each other’s dreams, their colorful paratrooping,
their skinny dark jeans, little black walnuts
to the surface of this earth. You and the friend
remain twisted together, thinking your simultaneous
and inarticulate thoughts in physical lawlessness,
in chemical awkwardness. It is too much
to be so many different things at once. The friend
brings black hole candy to your lips, and jumping
off the rooftops of your city, the experience.
So much confusion — the several layers of exhaustion,
and being a friend with your hands in your pockets,
and the friend’s hands in your pockets.
O bitter black walnuts of this parachuted earth!
O gongbirds and appleflocks! The friend
puts her hand on your shoulder. The friend
puts his hand on your shoulder. You find
a higher power when you look.

5. Childhood Friends – By Mindy Carpenter

As childhood friends, we grew up together,
Swearing to be friends forever and ever.
Sometimes we would argue and fight,
Other times we would laugh and stay up all night.

We went from playing with games and toys,
To talking and dreaming about different boys.
My thoughts and feelings, to you I would confide,
Never having anything to hide.

Friends we do remain,
Things changing, and things staying the same.
To each other we still listen and share,
About each other, we will always care.

6. Because You Are My Friend – By Joanna Fuchs

Because you are my friend,
my life is enriched in a myriad of ways.
Like a cool breeze on a sweltering day,
like a ray of sunshine parting glowering clouds,
you lift me up.
In good times, we soar,
like weightless balloons
over neon rainbows.
In bad times, you are soothing balm
for my pummeled soul.
I learn so much from you;
you help me see old things in new ways.
I wonder if you are aware
of the bright seeds you are sowing in me.
I’m a better person for knowing you,
so that everyone I interact with
is touched by your good effect on me.
You relax me, refresh me, renew me.
Your bounteous heart envelops me
in joy and love and peace.
May your life be filled
with dazzling blessings,
just as I am blessed
by being your friend.

7. Thank You, Friend – By Joanna Fuchs

Thank you, friend, for all the things
That mean so much to me–
For concern and understanding
You give abundantly.

Thanks for listening with your heart;
For cheering me when I’m blue;
For bringing out the best in me;
And just for being you.

Thanks for in-depth conversation
That stimulates my brain;
For silly times we laugh out loud;
For things I can’t explain.

For looking past my flaws and faults;
For all the time you spend;
For all the kind things that you do,
Thank you; thank you, friend.

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8. A Friend Or Two – By Wilbur D. Nesbit

There’s all of pleasure and all of peace
In a friend or two;
And all your troubles may find release
Within a friend or two;
It’s in the grip of the sleeping hand
On native soil or in alien land,
But the world is made-do you understand-
Of a friend or two.

A song to sing, and a crust to share
With a friend or two;
A smile to give and a grief to bear
With a friend or two;
A road to walk and a goal to win,
An inglenook to find comfort in,
The gladdest hours that we know begin
With a friend or two.

A little laughter; perhaps some tears
With a friend or two;
The days, the weeks, and the months and years
With a friend or two;
A vale to cross and a hill to climb,
A mock at age and a jeer at time-
The prose of life takes the lilt of rhyme
With a friend or two.

The brother-soul and the brother-heart
Of a friend or two
Make us drift on from the crowd apart,
With a friend or two;
For come days happy or come days sad
We count no hours but the ones made glad
By the hale good times we have ever had
With a friend or two.

Then brim the goblet and quaff the toast
To a friend or two,
For glad the man who can always boast
of a friend or two;
But fairest sight is a friendly face,
The blithest tread is a friendly pace
And heaven will be a better place
For a friend or two.

9. True Friends – By John P. Read

Whenever life gets you down,
Remember I’ll always be around;
All you have to do is call.

When your dreams disappear,
I’ll always be near
To catch you when you fall.

So remember, dear friend,
On me you can depend;
Nothing’s too much at all.

I will stand by your side;
I won’t run and hide.
Seeing you happy is my reward.

10. A Time to Talk – By Robert Frost

When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don’t stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven’t hoed,
And shout from where I am, What is it?
No, not as there is a time to talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit.

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11. True Friends – By Emily

Best friends stick together till the end.
They are like a straight line that will not bend.

They trust each other forever,
No matter if you’re apart or together.

They can be your hero and save the day.
They will never leave your side; they are here to stay.

They help you up when you fall.
Your true friends are best of all.

12. Smile – By Jessica R. Dillinger

If you’re feeling down; turn your frown upside down.
Put a smile on your face; take the world in your embrace.
Ask for a little help from the man up above.
And remember you have your best friend’s love.

13. My True Friend – By Abimbola T. Alabi

You always answer when I call
And help me up if I should fall,
But you never complain at all,
My true friend.

You confront me when I am wrong
But will never scold me for long,
Instead, you try to keep me strong,
My true friend.

You know the funny things to say
To make me laugh my fears away.
Like the sun, you brighten my day,
My true friend.

You see in me gifts I deny
And urge me to give things a try.
You spread for me my wings to fly,
My true friend.

You always perceive what I need
And offer it before I plead.
Just like a book, my mind you read,
My true friend.

You value little things I do
But won’t brag of what you do too.
How can I ever repay you,
My true friend?

And greatest of all I have found
When times are tough and I’m down,
You are the one who sticks around,
My true friend.

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14. God Sends – by Rosalie Carter

I think that God will never send,
A gift so precious as a friend,

A friend who always understands,
And fills each need as it demands,

Whose loyalty will stand the test,
When skies are bright or overcast,

Who sees the faults that merit blame,
But keeps on loving just the same,

Who does far more than creeds could do,
To make us good, to make us true,

Earth’s gifts a sweet contentment lend,
But only God can give a friend.

15. You Have A Friend In Me – By Kase And Sash

You have a friend in me,
Don’t try and hide your feelings
because your best friend can see.
I mean the world to you,
That’s how I know our friendship is true.
We will be besties for life,
One gets stabbed, we both feel the knife……

16. A Friend – By Gillian Jones

A person who will listen and not condemn
Someone on whom you can depend

They will not flee when bad times are here
Instead they will be there to lend an ear

They will think of ways to make you smile
So you can be happy for a while

When times are good and happy there after
They will be there to share the laughter

Do not forget your friends at all
For they pick you up when you fall

Do not expect to just take and hold
Give friendship back, it is pure gold.

17. To Me, Fair Friend, You Never Can Be Old (Sonnet 104) – By William Shakespeare

To me, fair friend, you never can be old,
For as you were when first your eye I ey’d,
Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold,
Have from the forests shook three summers’ pride,

Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn’d,
In process of the seasons have I seen,
Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn’d,
Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green.

Ah! yet doth beauty like a dial-hand,
Steal from his figure, and no pace perceiv’d;
So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand,
Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceiv’d:

For fear of which, hear this thou age unbred:
Ere you were born was beauty’s summer dead.

18. Hoping To Hear From A Former Friend – By Margaret Hasse

Is it you on the other end of the line
hesitant to speak to me, pausing for a moment
to register my hello so you know my number
stayed the same, my last name remains mine?
Though my voice isn’t young as when we last spoke,
don’t you hear a familiar timbre?
Still you hesitate so as not to startle me
after all this time. Dots string out like an ellipsis
in the endless sentence of your absence.
I hear static-filled ticking, then
a friendly stranger mispronounces my name.
Recognizing a pitch to sell something
and feeling foolish, I hang up quickly.
Won’t you ever break your long silence?
Sorrow and anger keep my line open to you.

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19. A Poison Tree – By William Blake

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night.
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,
When the night had veild the pole;
In the morning glad I see;
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

20. Friends – By Liz Beran

We are going to different high schools
I know it will be hard
we were best friends
and now we are ripped apart

I remember the good days we had
throughout these 3 long years
you were there when I was sad
even when I was in tears

But now it’s all changed
we can’t be together anymore
no more notebooks to exchange
or laughter to adore

No more inside jokes to hear
or gossip in the hall
now we have high school to fear
and that’s the worst of them all

I will never forget that smile of yours
and how it made me glad
just remember you’ll always be
the bestest friend I’ve ever had

21. Tug O’ War – By Shel Silverstein

I will not play at tug o’ war.
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.

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22. O, My Friend – By Edgar Lee Masters

O, my friend,
What fitting word can I say?
You, my chum,
My companion of infinite talks,
My inspiration,
My guide,
Through whom I saw myself at best;
You, the light of this western country.
You, a great richness.
A glory,
A charm,
Product and treasure of these States.

23. Your Catfish Friend – By Richard Brautigan

If I were to live my life
in catfish forms
in scaffolds of skin and whiskers
at the bottom of a pond
and you were to come by
one evening
when the moon was shining
down into my dark home
and stand there at the edge
of my affection
and think, “It’s beautiful
here by this pond.  I wish
somebody loved me,”
I’d love you and be your catfish
friend and drive such lonely
thoughts from your mind
and suddenly you would be
at peace,
and ask yourself, “I wonder
if there are any catfish
in this pond?  It seems like
a perfect place for them.”

24. Success – By Edgar A. Guest

I hold no dream of fortune vast,
Nor seek undying fame.

I do not ask when life is past
That many know my name.

I may not own the skill to rise
To glory’s topmost height,
Nor win a place among the wise,
But I can keep the right.

And I can live my life on earth
Contented to the end,
If but a few shall know my worth
And proudly call me friend.

25. The Cake Of Friendship – By Michelle Flores

Preheat the oven of love
With plenty of secrets and hugs.

Mix in giggles and laughs
That makes your sides split in half.

Bake with the love and care
And all the things you both should share.

Decorate with the frosting of trust;
This is really a must.

Enjoy the cake; do not eat it fast.
Just like your new friendship, make it last.

26. Poem For A Friend – By Maurice Boland

If I could write a poem,
I would write it just for you.
But I cannot write a poem,
So what am I to do?

If I could write a poem,
I would tell you lots of things,
Of love and happiness
and the joy your friendship brings.

But I cannot write a poem,
So you will never know
Just how much I love you,
And now I have to go!

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27. How Many, How Much – By Shel Silverstein

How many slams in an old screen door?
Depends how loud you shut it.
How many slices in a bread?
Depends how thin you cut it.
How much good inside a day?
Depends how good you live ’em.
How much love inside a friend?
Depends how much you give ’em.

28. I Can Be a Pal – By Kristen Smith

I can be a pal by smiling at you.
I can be a pal when you feel blue.
I can be a pal who is honest and kind.
I can be a pal when you’re in a bind.
I can be a pal by saying please and thank you.
I can be a pal when no one wants to.
I can be a pal every single day.
I can be a pal; what do you say?

29. Thank You For Your Friendship And Your Love – By Nicholas Gordon

Thank you for your friendship and your love.
However life may turn, this gift will be
A mountain that has made my river bend,
Nor will it flow the same way to the sea.
Knowing you is something I’m made of.

Years will not this part of me remove.
One lives for just a brief eternity,
Understanding truths that never end.

30. A Love Letter To My Best Friend – By Andrew Warner

If spring is the eager season, then you are the late bloomer of autumn
You are definitely orange…
Like an orange, or a sunset sometimes
But sometimes sunsets can be purple
Purple is regal.
And rare like orange, but I have heard way more people say that purple is their color, and lavender is their look, and violet is their name, and mauve is their polish, and velvet is their skin, but…
Orange is reserved for the Velma archetype and the Vermilion poke-fan and the Pumpkin Ghost and the rustic tangerine shirt of Merman
You are orange… like, sometimes
Orange… like, maybe?
Like, sometimes I see you by the curb, in construction and
the next day you are gone
Like a traffic cone,
You face the sky like a circus cannon
Sometimes you are so ready to get fired up
Sometimes you are so unwilling, you bolt your soles to the sidewalk
And I forget how planted you are,
posed in pavement
I see you like a pylon in between traffic lanes
No matter how steep your neck, it is always on the line for someone else’s safety
You are orange like Caution, like Slow
Sometimes you are orange like Garfield on a rainy day
Your thoughts are like uncharted Martian sands
They are beautiful in their existence, but still considered alien
Your ideas are a pumpkin patch
Where you can’t really tell which root sprouts which fruit
You just know they are grand and still growing
I have seen you wear orange, like a lion’s mane
like Pride Rock and Lion King
like the goldfish that stays up all night
You are orange like radioactive happiness
like bio-hazardous laughter
You are the beautiful disaster of Guy Fieri’s T-shirt
wearing Mario Batali’s Crocs
Doctors wanted to stabilize you
they told you orange is too abrasive
It is too creative
Orange is Attention Deficit
You’ve already heard them call you
Orange, like disorder
What’s another couple of words before it?
You are orange like a monarch butterfly
Your caterpillar is similar to any other inchworm or millipede
but no one ever sees the difference between a monarch and a moth
Mom said your tantrums could be mistaken for mood swings
Your sleep patterns are not insomnia, but school-related stress
You get extra time on tests, but they were never designed to assess your kind of intelligence.
Because you are orange like a clockwork
One that can be fucked up and brilliant at the same time
Maybe that’s why I think you’re brilliant
Bipolar Disorder is less like a coin, it’s less like two-face,
more like the middle of a traffic light at two a.m.
it is less stop-and-go, more like Slow,
like, sometimes… like, maybe?
I noticed your prescription bottles
And prescription glasses are both autumn orange.
I wonder if it’s difficult to discern
which one changes the way you see the world
and which one changes the way you see yourself.

31. If I Could Catch A Rainbow – By Sandra Lewis Pringle

If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it, just for you,
And, share with you, its beauty, on the days you’re feeling blue.

If I could, I would build a mountain, you could call your very own.
A place to find serenity, a place just to be alone.

If I could, I would take your troubles, and toss them into the sea.
But, all these things, I’m finding, are impossible for me.

I cannot build a mountain, or catch a rainbow fair;
but, let me be, what I know best,
A Friend, who’s always there.

I promise to defend you, should the occasion ever rise,
And, I promise to wipe away the tears,
which might stream from your weeping eyes.

Let me be the trusted Friend, the one that you know best.
I will never leave you, on that, you can surely rest.

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32. Will You Ever? – By Kaityln M. Yawn

I don’t think you will
Ever fully understand
How you’ve touched my life
And made me who I am.

I don’t think you could ever know
Just how truly special you are,
That even on the darkest nights
You are my brightest star.

You’ve allowed me to experience
Something very hard to find,
Unconditional love that exists
In my body, soul, and mind.

I don’t think you could ever feel
All the love I have to give,
And I’m sure you’ll never realize
You’ve been my will to live.

You are an amazing person,
And without you I don’t know where I’d be.
Having you in my life
Completes and fulfills every part of me.

33. Friendship’s Flower – By Helen Steiner Rice

Life is like a garden
And friendship like a flower,
That blooms and grows in beauty
With the sunshine and the shower.

And lovely are the blossoms
That are tended with great care,
By those who work unselfishly
To make the place more fair.

And, like the garden blossoms,
Friendship’s flower grows more sweet
When watched and tended carefully
By those we know and meet.

And, if the seed of friendship
Is planted deep and true
And watched with understanding,
Friendship’s flower will bloom for you.

34. Emblems Of Friendship – By John Imrie

Friendship is a golden band
Linking life with life,
Heart to heart, and hand to hand,
Antidote to strife.

Friendship is a silken cord
Beautiful and strong,
Guarding, by each kindly word,
Loving hearts from wrong.

Friendship is a beacon-light
On life’s rocky shore,
Brightest in our darkest night
When the breakers roar.

Friendship is an iron shield
Where life’s cruel darts
Ever may be forced to yield
Ere they wound true hearts.

Friendship is the gift of God
Freely to us given,
As the flowers that gem the sod,
Or the light of heaven!

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35. My Friend, Brielle – By Cathy Madison

My friend, Brielle, is the best.
She is nicer than the rest.
When you are sad and have a frown,
She will turn it upside down.
Brielle is artistic, creative, too.
She is always there for you.
Brielle is so kind, and lots of fun.
As you can see, she is number one.

36. Let’s Be Friends – By Christine Corona

Would you like to be my friend?
That would be so fine!
We’ll run around in your backyard
And then we’ll play in mine.
We’ll walk to school together.
And share our lunches too.
Oh, what a lucky kid I am
To have a friend like you!

37. With A Friend – By Vivian Gould

I can talk with a friend
and walk with a friend
and share my umbrella
in the rain.

I can play with a friend
and stay with a friend
and learn with a friend
and explain.

I can eat with a friend
and compete with a friend
and even sometimes

I can ride with a friend
and take pride with a friend.
A friend can mean
so much to me!

38. Work For Friendship – By J.J. Thorne

The duties of friendship to perform,
Will keep our thoughts wide awake;
Make life true and warm,
For friendship’s sake.

Cursed is he that makes envy,
Lies, tattles, and fraternity break;
Speak in praise and speak the truth,
For friendship’s sake.

Love warms and never alarms,
Sweet as lilies of the lake;
Row your boat and gather charms.
For friendship’s sake.

If peace and harmony through human regard,
We desire to make;
We will work if it is hard;
For friendship’s sake.

In pursuit and plod for wealth,
Let honesty hold the stake;
Do not hate the man of stealth,
For friendship’s sake.

Live upright, honest and fair,
Give rather than take;
In brotherly love do you share?
For friendship’s sake.

39. Friends For Life – By Angelica N. Brissett

We are friends.
I’ve got your back,
And you have mine.
I’ll help you out
To see you hurt,
To see you cry,
Makes me weep
And wanna die.
If you agree
To never fight,
It wouldn’t matter
Who’s wrong or right.
If a broken heart
Needs a mend,
I’ll be right there
Till the end.
If your cheeks are wet
From drops of tears,
Don’t worry,
Let go of your fears.
Hand in hand
Love is sent.
We’ll be friends
Till the end!

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40. New Friends and Old Friends – By Joseph Parry

Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test-
Time and change- are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray;
Friendship never knows decay.
For ‘mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more, we, our youth, renew.
But old friends, alas! May die;
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast-
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.

41. On The Friendship Betwixt Two Ladies – By Edmund Waller

By this cunning change of hearts,
You the power of love control;
While the boy’s eluded darts
Can arrive at neither soul.

For in vain to either breast
Still beguiled love does come,
Where he finds a foreign guest,
Neither of your hearts at home…

42. Friendship (Excerpt) – By Henry David Thoreau

I think awhile of Love, and while I think,
Love is to me a world,
Sole meat and sweetest drink,
And close connecting link
Tween heaven and earth.

I only know it is, not how or why,
My greatest happiness;
However hard I try,
Not if I were to die,
Can I explain.

I fain would ask my friend how it can be,
But when the time arrives,
Then Love is more lovely
Than anything to me,
And so I’m dumb.

For if the truth were known, Love cannot speak,
But only thinks and does;
Though surely out ’twill leak
Without the help of Greek,
Or any tongue.

43. Friendship – By Edgar A. Guest

How sweet it is when skies are gray,
And hope is slipping from your heart,
To have a friend come up and say:
“Cheer up, old man, I’ll take your part.”

When over the threshold of your home
Death’s angel stalks and claims your bride;
How sweet it is within the gloam,
To know a friend is at your side.

But when your life is bright and gay,
And you are basking in success;
‘Tis sweeter far to turn that day
To aid some brother in distress.

44. The Arrow And The Song – By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.

45. Ode To Friendships – By Kayla Rae Pich, Nature Poems

They’re the few people who accept silence over conversation.
A relationship like this denies silly promises and persuasion.
You don’t feel the need to second guess thoughts or measure words.
Their love comes in wholes, not halves, not thirds.
They’re the ones that guide you through when fate takes a turn.
Fights, small and large, end in forgiveness, never a burn.
You forget about first impressions and the feelings they brought.
You’re grateful for who they are and you forgive ’em for what they’re not.

46. True Friends – By Ashley Campbell

A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows
Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows.
A friend is like gold that you should treasure
And take care of for ever and ever.
A friend is like an angel that is there to guide you.
A friend is someone you can trust out of a few.
A friend is more than one in a million.
They are one in a ca-zillion,
And you, my friend, are very special
and so it is official.

Two senior ladies share a laugh
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47. Love And Friendship – By Emily Bronte

Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree—
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?

Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly’s sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He still may leave thy garland green.

48. I Can’t Imagine – By Catherine Pulsifer, Stressless Country

I can’t imagine life without you
All the talks and all we do
Into our life people come
But friends like you are truly awesome.

Both in the good times and the sad
We are true comrades
When I am feeling blue
I pick up the phone and call you!

Good friends like you are very few
I truly appreciate you!

49. It Would Be Better – By Eben E. Rexford

Oh, my friend, it would be better
If to those we love, we gave
Tender words while they were with us
Than to say them o’er a grave!

Many a heart is hungry, starving,
For a little word of love;
Speak it then, and as the sunshine
Gilds the lofty peaks above,

So the joy of those who hear it
Sends its radiance down life’s way,
And the world is brighter, better,
For the loving words we say.

Loving words will cost but little,
As along through life we go;
Let us, then, make others happy, —
If you love them, tell them so.

50. You Will Never Know – By Catherine Pulsifer, Stressless Country

You will never know what your friendship means to me
You are a friend that I can count on to be
Fun, carefree and happy you are
In my books you are a star.

Thank you for being you
Thank you for all you do.
Friends like you are far and few
Thank you, for being a friend that’s true.

51. What Makes A Friend? – Ashley Olson, Poem Hunter

A friend
What makes a friend?
A friend
Is someone that everyone needs
A friend
Is that special one
A friend
Is someone you tell EVERYTHING
A friend
Is someone you never lie to
A friend
Can be a boy or a girl
A friend
Is someone that is always their
A friend
Will always listen to you
A friend
Always has input to give
A friend
Will never leave you in the dust
A friend
Will help you through the thick and the thin
A friend
Will always stand by your side
A friend
Will never let you down
A friend
Is someone everyone needs
What would you do if you didn’t have a friend?

52. Upon The Sand – By Ella Wheeler Wilcox

All love that has not friendship for its base,
Is like a mansion built upon the sand.
Though brave its walls as any in the land,
And its tall turrets lift their heads in grace;
Though skillful and accomplished artists trace
Most beautiful designs on every hand,
And gleaming statues in dim niches stand,
And fountains play in some flow’r-hidden place,
Yet, when from the frowning east a sudden gust
Of adverse fate is blown, or sad rains fall
Day in, day out, against its yielding wall,
Lo! the fair structure crumbles to the dust.
Love, to endure life’s sorrow and earth’s woe,
Needs friendship’s solid mason-work below.

53. Worthy Of My Friends – By Frank Dempster Sherman

It is my joy in life to find
At every turning of the road,
The strong arm of a comrade kind
To help me onward with my load:
And since I have no gold to give,
And love alone must make amends,
My only prayer is, while I live, —
God make me worthy of my friends!

A group of kindergartener friends
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54. Best A Friend Can Be – By Lucy Larcom

What is the best a friend can be
To any soul, to you or me?
Not only shelter, comfort, rest –
Inmost refreshment unexpressed;
Not only a beloved guide
To thread life’s labyrinth at our side,
Or with love’s torch lead on before;
Though these be much, there yet is more.

The best friend is an atmosphere
Warm with all inspirations dear,
Wherein we breathe the large, free breath
Of life that hath no taint of death.
Our friend is an unconscious part
Of every true beat of our heart;
A strength, a growth, whence we derive
God’s health that keeps the world alive.

55. I Should Not Dare To Leave My Friend – Emily Dickinson

I should not dare to leave my friend,
Because—because if he should die
While I was gone—and I—too late—
Should reach the Heart that wanted me—

If I should disappoint the eyes
That hunted—hunted so—to see—
And could not bear to shut until
They “noticed” me—they noticed me—

If I should stab the patient faith
So sure I’d come—so sure I’d come—
It listening—listening—went to sleep—
Telling my tardy name—

My Heart would wish it broke before—
Since breaking then—since breaking then—
Were useless as next morning’s sun—
Where midnight frosts—had lain!

56. To A Friend – By Frank Earl Herrick

Upon the day that she was born
There bloomed a rose without a thorn
That grew more fair with Time;
A rare, rich blossom, and possessed
Of flowery splendor unexpressed
In either prose or rhyme!

The laughter of the meadow brook
And Summer’s sunny smiles she took
And stored up in her heart
From whence they overflow and rise
And to her countenance and eyes
Their kindly charms impart!

O genteel friend with kindly face,
With sense and dignity and grace
And heart of temper true;
O noble Rose, sweet and benign,
May the great Sun ever shine
Benignantly on you!
57. The Pleasures Of Friendship – Stevie Smith
The pleasures of friendship are exquisite,
How pleasant to go to a friend on a visit!
I go to my friend, we walk on the grass,
And the hours and moments like minutes pass.

58. To My Excellent Lucasia, On Our Friendship – By Katherine Philips

I did not live until this time
Crowned my felicity,
When I could say without a crime,
I am not thine, but thee.

This carcass breathed, and walked, and slept,
So that the world believed
There was a soul the motions kept;
But they were all deceived.

For as a watch by art is wound
To motion, such was mine:
But never had Orinda found
A soul till she found thine;

Which now inspires, cures and supplies,
And guides my darkened breast:
For thou art all that I can prize,
My joy, my life, my rest.

No bridegroom’s nor crown-conqueror’s mirth
To mine compared can be:
They have but pieces of the earth,
I’ve all the world in thee.

Then let our flames still light and shine,
And no false fear control,
As innocent as our design,
Immortal as our soul.

59. You Smile Upon Your Friend To-Day – By A. E. Housman

You smile upon your friend to-day,
To-day his ills are over;
You hearken to the lover’s say,
And happy is the lover.
‘Tis late to hearken, late to smile,
But better late than never;
I shall have lived a little while
Before I die for ever.

60. My Everything Friend – By Joanna Fuchs, Poem Source

You magnify my happiness
When I am feeling glad;
You help to heal my injured heart
Whenever I am sad.

You’re such a pleasure in my life;
I hope that you can see
How meaningful your friendship is;
You’re a total joy to me.

61. On Friendship – By Kahlil Gibran

And a youth said, Speak to us of Friendship.
And he answered, saying:
Your friend is your needs answered.
He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.
And he is your board and your fireside.
For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.

62. Comrades Four – By Claude McKay

Dear comrades, my comrades,
My heart is always true;
An’ ever an’ ever
I shall remember you.
We all joined together,
Together joined we four;
An’ I have been first to
Pass t’rough the open door.

63. Alone – By Maya Angelou

Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don’t believe I’m wrong
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Two friends posing for a photograph
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64. Us Two – By A. A. Milne

Wherever I am, there’s always Pooh,
There’s always Pooh and Me.
Whatever I do, he wants to do,
“Where are you going today?” says Pooh:
“Well, that’s very odd ‘cos I was too.
Let’s go together,” says Pooh, says he.
“Let’s go together,” says Pooh.

“What’s twice eleven?” I said to Pooh.
(“Twice what?” said Pooh to Me.)
“I think it ought to be twenty-two.”
“Just what I think myself,” said Pooh.
“It wasn’t an easy sum to do,
But that’s what it is,” said Pooh, said he.
“That’s what it is,” said Pooh.

“Let’s look for dragons,” I said to Pooh.
“Yes, let’s,” said Pooh to Me.
We crossed the river and found a few-
“Yes, those are dragons all right,” said Pooh.
“As soon as I saw their beaks I knew.
That’s what they are,” said Pooh, said he.
“That’s what they are,” said Pooh.

“Let’s frighten the dragons,” I said to Pooh.
“That’s right,” said Pooh to Me.
“I’m not afraid,” I said to Pooh,
And I held his paw and I shouted “Shoo!
Silly old dragons!”- and off they flew.

“I wasn’t afraid,” said Pooh, said he,
“I’m never afraid with you.”

So wherever I am, there’s always Pooh,
There’s always Pooh and Me.
“What would I do?” I said to Pooh,
“If it wasn’t for you,” and Pooh said: “True,
It isn’t much fun for One, but Two,
Can stick together, says Pooh, says he. “That’s how it is,” says Pooh.

65. In The Company Of Women – By January Gill-O’Neil

Make me laugh over coffee,
make it a double, make it frothy
so it seethes in our delight.
Make my cup overflow
with your small happiness.
I want to hoot and snort and cackle and chuckle.
Let your laughter fill me like a bell.
Let me listen to your ringing and singing
as Billie Holiday croons above our heads.

66. My Friends – By Ali Power

Why be evasive
when you can listen to an audiobook
about a biologist
on a mysterious expedition
to Area X
an area cut off from civilization
today I’ve spoken to no one
and I feel fine
but feelings aren’t facts my friends
and I’ve eaten the last of the cheese
and table water crackers
and I have no salary
but I will hold you

67. My Best Friend – By Sheri Goodwin

I’m not sure when it happened
But I’m very glad it did
You came into my life when
I really needed a friend.
The more I get to know you
The more I know myself
And this is why I’m thankful
For you are just yourself.
You and I are different
And in many ways the same
Your good ear, compassionate heart
Will always find you fame.
I promise to always be here
Forever and to the end
You are the true definition of
My Very Best Friend!

68. Friend – By Renee Donna Bufete

A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will
last forever.

A friend is not a shadow nor a servant
But someone who hold
a piece of a person in his heart.
Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a person a friend?
Is by saying your Love will stay.

69. A Smile – By Malak Meleka

When someone’s having a bad day,
A smile could go a long way,
So make sure to put one on
And keep it until the day is gone.
You don’t know what this deed
Could do for a friend in need.
It might save them from the pain
Of a sadness they cannot contain.
Don’t ask what a smile can do
Because I’m sure it once helped you.

70. We Are Friends – By Karl Fuchs

Whether the day is good or bad,
Whether I’m feeling happy or sad,
If I have a need, you’ll comprehend;
You’ll be there to share and be a friend.

Other people may fill my day,
But never in such an important way;
We support each other ‘round all life’s bends,
It feels so good that we are friends.

71. My Godlike Friend – By Robert Burns

My godlike friend—nay, do not stare,
You think the phrase is odd-like;
But God is love, the saints declare,
Then surely thou art god-like.
And is thy ardour still the same?
And kindled still at Anna?
Others may boast a partial flame,
But thou art a volcano!
Ev’n Wedlock asks not love beyond
Death’s tie-dissolving portal;
But thou, omnipotently fond,
May’st promise love immortal!
Thy wounds such healing powers defy,
Such symptoms dire attend them,
That last great antihectic try—
Marriage perhaps may mend them.
Sweet Anna has an air—a grace,
Divine, magnetic, touching:
She talks, she charms—but who can trace
The process of bewitching?

72. I Want To Apologize – Rupi Kaur

I want to apologize to all the women
I have called pretty
before I’ve called them intelligent or brave.
I am sorry I made it sound as though
something as simple as what you’re born with
is the most you have to be proud of
when your spirit has crushed mountains
from now on I will say things like, you are resilient
or, you are extraordinary.
not because I don’t think you’re pretty.
but because you are so much more than that

73. Friend – Rabindranath Tagore

Art thou abroad on this stormy night
on thy journey of love, my friend?
The sky groans like one in despair.

I have no sleep tonight.
Ever and again I open my door and look out on
the darkness, my friend!

I can see nothing before me.
I wonder where lies thy path!

By what dim shore of the ink-black river,
by what far edge of the frowning forest,
through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading
thy course to come to me, my friend?

Campus friends engaged in conversation
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74. Old Friends – By William Butler Yeats

Though you are in your shining days,
Voices among the crowd
And new friends busy with your praise,
Be not unkind or proud,
But think about old friends the most:
Time’s bitter flood will rise,
Your beauty perish and be lost
For all eyes but these eyes.

75. Flattery – By Herder

The friend who holds up before me the mirror,
conceals not my smallest faults,
warns me kindly, reproves me affectionately,
when I have not performed my duty,
he is my friend,
however little he may appear so.
But if a man praises and lauds me,
never reproves me, overlooks my faults,
and forgives them before I have repented,
he is my enemy,
however much he may appear my friend.

76. In Tune – By Florence Steigerwalt

I don’t remember when I first began
To call you “friend.”
One day, I only know,
The vague companionship that I’d seen grow
So imperceptibly, turned gold, and ran
In tune with all I’d thought, or dared to plan.
Since then, you’ve been to me like music, low,
Yet clear; a fire that throws its warm, bright glow
On me as on each woman, child, and man,
And common thing that lies within its rays;
You’ve been like wholesome food that stays the cry
Of hungry, groping minds; and like a star –
A self-sufficient star – you make me raise
My utmost being to a higher sky,
In tune, like you, with earth, yet wide, and far.

77. A Faithful Friend – By Patricia Grantham, Poem Hunter

How many of you can find a faithful friend?
That will stick close by you unto the very end
When trouble comes they will never forsake
Always ready to give more than they will take

A friend like that is so very hard to find
One you can count on to talk and unwind
Someone that’s concerned about how you feel
Cares for you deeply with a love that’s real

A friend when in need is a friend indeed
Show yourself friendly by sowing the seed
How sweet are the words spoken between friends
Just like a balm that heals or a needle that mends

A friend that sticks closer than any brother
Very trustworthy and not the same as another
You can count on them to answer when you call
There to help you when your back is to the wall

78. A Friendship So Dear – By Julie Hebert

To me so dear is you my friend.
I hope and pray our friendship never ends.

As you are mine, and I am yours.
Our friendship has opened many doors.

Let’s never fight, and always laugh,
We’ll keep this friendship, under glass.

For if it breaks, then we’ll know.
A friendship like ours, can take more than a throw.

79. A Mile With Me – By Henry Van Dyke

O who will walk a mile with me
Along life’s merry way?
A comrade blithe and full of glee,
Who dares to laugh out loud and free,
And let his frolic fancy play,
Like a happy child, through the flowers gay
That fill the field and fringe the way
Where he walks a mile with me.

And who will walk a mile with me
Along life’s weary way?
A friend whose heart has eyes to see
The stars shine out o’er the darkening lea,
And the quiet rest at the end o’ the day,–
A friend who knows, and dares to say,
The brave, sweet words that cheer the way
Where he walks a mile with me.

With such a comrade, such a friend,
I fain would walk till journeys end,
Through summer sunshine, winter rain,
And then?–Farewell, we shall meet again!

80. Appalachian Rain – By Sandra Fowler, Poem Hunter

I send a song of Appalachian rain,
As soothing as an old tin roof’s refrain,
A lullaby to let you dream again.

Like a gray bird upon your windowsill,
With wings spread wide to shelter you from chill,
It warms your winter with my lyrics still.

Friend, weather seems to have an empathy
With that frail essence that is you and me.
The art of music is simplicity.

81. Our True Friendship – Pam Fraser, Poem Hunter

Our true friendship isn’t what I see with my eyes,
it is felt within my heart.

When there is trust, understanding, loyalty, and sharing.

I know our true friendship is a rare feeling, but it could be found
It has profound impact on well-being, strength, and quality.

Our true friendship does not need detailed gifts,
Or fabulous events in order to be valuable or valued.

To ensure long-lasting quality and satisfaction,
Our true friendship only needs a few key factors:
Undying loyalty, understanding, unrivaled trust,
Deep and soulful secrets, and endless sharing.

These key factors we can be, mixed with personality and a sense of humor, Can make a friendship last a lifetime!

This is just a thank you, my friend, for all the wonderful and colorful
special factors that You’ve brought to my life!
You’re such a wonderful true friend!

Infographic: Why Write Poems To Friends?

Remember this: Friends are for life! You must ensure that you are kind and gentle to them because they stand by you through thick and thin. And the best way to do it is by sharing friendship poems with them.

But the significance of friendship poems doesn’t end just here. We have created an infographic to tell you what all you can use these poems for. Check it out below.

why write poems to friends (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Get the high-quality PDF version of this infographic.

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Friendship poems are a special way to let your dearest friends know how special you feel about them. The above-listed poems are full of friendly emotions that you can send to your friend to honor your connection. It makes for a simple yet lovely gesture to express what they mean to you. “The best things about poems is that they are quick, witty, ways to evoke emotion and deepen connection which is what we need in friendships these days,” says Relationship Expert, Dr. John Ryan De Oca.

Whether it is a special occasion or any random day, you can make it memorable for them without much cost or effort. Giving thoughtful words to your feelings through these poems about friendship would not only make their day special but also help strengthen your beautiful relationship even more. Pick the one that most accurately expresses your thoughts and feelings, and send it to your friend right away!

The poems in this collection have been curated from various authors and sources and are not original creations of StyleCraze. We have endeavored to provide credit wherever possible. If you are the original author of any poem and desire proper attribution or removal, please reach out to us. We deeply respect the creative rights of authors and will respond to your concerns without delay.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a poem about my best friend?

While writing a poem for a best friend, the best approach is to appeal to the emotional sensibilities of your friend. Mention all the things you appreciate them for and why they are so special to you in the poem for your best friend.

What does Kahlil Gibran say about friendship?

Kahlil Gibran, in his poem “On Friendship”, talks about how friendship is that one thing that completes life. A good friend is an answer to all your needs. As Gibran says in his poem on friendship, a good friend by your side will keep grief and sorrow at bay.

What word rhymes with friendship?

Words like pip, snip, ship, slip, nip, etc., rhyme with friendship.

How do you begin a poem?

There is no rule set in stone on how a poem must begin. But there are a few things you must consider before beginning a poem so that you know how to go about it. List down a blueprint of all the things you wish to express and how you’d order them. Adopt a personal tone and start writing freehand because you can always make edits as you go. As you go about this process, the appropriate beginning that speaks to you, will come to you.

What is another word for best friends?

If you want more poetic or unique words for best friends in your poem, you can use words like companion, dearest, soulmate, soul sister, confidant, soul twin, or my shadow.

Key Takeaways

  • Pour your heart into friendship poems, expressing gratitude for the unique bond shared with friends, highlighting their enriching presence.
  • Personalize poems to celebrate each friend’s uniqueness, emphasizing their distinct qualities and contributions to your friendship.
  • Let poems acknowledge the growth within your friendship, emphasizing the journey that has shaped your bond into something truly meaningful.

Check out this video to get inspiration from a heart-touching 10-line poem on friendship that gives a lovely tribute to the bond we share with our friends.

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