How To Plan A Memorable Family Reunion

Plan a memorable reunion with these ideas and spend quality time with your family.

Reviewed by Damini Grover, Counseling Psychologist & Life Coach Damini Grover Damini GroverCounseling Psychologist & Life Coach facebook_iconlinkedin_iconinsta_icon
Written by , Beauty & Lifestyle Writer Sneha Tete Beauty & Lifestyle Writer linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , Associate Editor Subhrojyoti Mukherjee Associate Editor Experience: 4 years

Families are priceless, and you will always have a soft spot in your heart for your loved ones. So, you need to make the most of your time with them during a reunion. Are you trying to come up with interesting family reunion ideas? Well, we have you covered.

Family reunions provide a much-needed vacation from your packed life and allow you to spend some time together. But, planning interesting activities for this special event can be a tremendous undertaking.

The greatest family reunions involve activities that appeal to people of all ages. So, check out this article for unique ideas to make your family reunion fun and unforgettable. Just keep scrolling!

99 Family Reunion Ideas And Games

Game to play in a family reunion
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Here are a few reunion ideas that will bring everyone together and etch the day forever in their memories.

1. One-Minute Games

From gulping down cookies to writing down the maximum number of cousin names, you can propose many silly and fun games. Such family reunion games are easy to plan and enjoyed by people of all age groups.

2. Bingo

The good old game of bingo never gets boring. It is easy to plan, and you do not have to struggle explaining the game to everyone. You can also add exciting gifts like family t-shirts for the winners.

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The game bingo evolved from “Il Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia,” a popular game played in Italy during the 1530s.

3. Family Puzzles

Take old family or reunion pictures and turn them into puzzles. Divide the members into groups and play a timed game. You can ask them to arrange the pieces during the weekend when you are all together.

4. Races

Races among family members can give you several moments of laughter and joy. Plan a sack race or a lemon and spoon race to get everyone involved. You can also keep something unconventional, such as gobbling down burgers till the end.

5. Line-Up

This family reunion game is fun when there are considerable members in your family. Imagine the chaos when 70-80 people are trying to organize themselves in order. Ask them to line up from the oldest to the youngest. Or form groups in the order of the distance they have traveled to come to the reunion.

6. Scrapbooking

Prepare a scrapbook template and ask each team to decorate their scrapbooks with pictures. It will also be good memorabilia to take back home after the reunion.

7. Photo Shoot

You can think of several family gathering ideas, but it is incomplete without a photo shoot. So, get the props ready to make the pictures unforgettable. You can also think of a color code and inform everyone in advance.

8. Ball Games

Games like volleyball, soccer, and softball are easy to plan. They can bring out the competitive side of your family, which is always fun to watch. If you are planning a reunion by the beach, these games become a must-have.

9. Talent Show

Ask your family members to perform one talent that they would like to show off. Realizing how many budding singers, dancers, chefs, painters, or comedians your family has will leave everyone surprised and amused.

10. Bonfire Stories

Family playing music and sharing stories around a bonfire
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Plan a family dinner and when everyone is at the dinner table, ask each person to narrate a memory about another family member. To make it easier, message everyone before the reunion to dig out tales from their treasure chest of memories.

11. Charades

If you are looking for simple family reunion activities, there is nothing better than good old charades. This game gets even better when everyone is a couple of drinks down. Apart from movies and songs, you can ask the teams to act out family members.

12. Family Quiz

Plan a trivia quiz about the family members for a family fun night game. You can make a questionnaire and ask everyone to fill it out before the reunion. Ask questions about marriage, love, education, and work. Try not to include sensitive questions that can become hurtful.

13. Make A Family Recipe Book

Ask everyone to send out recipes that have been passed over for generations. You can also tell specific members to share the recipes they are famous for. It can be a real treasure for the family.

14. Create A Family Tree

This can be exciting if you can find the pictures of the two people from whom your family has descended. Ask everyone to bring old photographs as they come to the reunion. It will also be informative for the children to learn about the family history.

15. Who Am I

Write the name of a family member on a paper, and tape it to a cap. The person whose turn it is has to wear it and ask clues to guess the name. The other people can only answer in a yes or no.

16. Fishing Contest

If you are planning a reunion near a lake, ask everyone to get their fishing gear. Grab some beers and have a fishing contest before barbecuing the catch.

17. Treasure Hunt

Every family member enjoys a scavenger hunt. Divide the family into teams and give them clues about famous family stories. You can also plan a special one only for the kids to help them get to know their family better.

18. Family Olympics

Divide the family into teams if you have a large gathering. Plan a couple of races and games to spend a day full of fun and laughter. Get a scoreboard to tally the points.

19. White Elephant Gift Exchange

Ask everyone to get one impractical or amusing gift for another person. You can draw name slips for the exchange. Items related to family history can make this exchange all the more memorable. Imagine someone getting an uncle’s favorite ashtray or a walking stick.

20. Photo Booth

Prepare a photo booth before the reunion. It can either have your family’s name engraved on it or props that remind everyone of a particular person. For instance, get eyeglasses that became a trademark of someone in the family.

21. Make A Time Capsule

Take a box or a container and ask everyone to put one small item. Bury it underground and promise to meet again at the same place to open the box. It is a great way to capture the memories of this special day.

22. Water Balloon Pinatas

Fill water balloons and hang them on ropes. Ask a team to burst the balloons without using their hands. It will be fun watching them getting drenched while finding innovative ways to do that.

23. Bounce Balloons

This family reunion game engages the children and the adults equally. Give 2-3 balloons to everyone and ask to keep them in the air. The key is not to use their hands to bounce or juggle them.

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You can also make the game more challenging by asking the participants to try and make the other person’s balloons fall down.

24. Giant Feet

Take wooden planks with 2-3 pieces of rope around them. Select the equal number of people as the ropes in each team. Ask a team to stand on the planks with one foot on each. They have to race while pulling strings and the plank.

25. Tell A Joke

Family telling jokes and sharing stories
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Ask the narrator to hold a spoon with a lemon in it while telling a joke. By the end of the crack, everyone will be laughing so hard that their stomachs will hurt.

26. Straw And Paper Game

Give everyone a long straw and a couple of papers. The contestants need to suck the pieces using the straws and transfer them from one place to another. The person who transfers the most wins the game.

27. Spit It Out

This game will build pressure but the kind that everyone will enjoy. Ask random questions – five cat names or five state capitals. The catch here is that the person gets only 10 seconds to answer. You can draft your questions before the reunion to enjoy an evening of funny answers.

28. Taboo

This family reunion game is equally entertaining and competitive. It is readily available in the market and requires the least planning. Moreover, it is one of the best ideas if you want to spend time indoors.

29. Balloon Relay Race

Here is another race for the sporty families who like to indulge in physical activities. This race requires two people in a team. Have them stand with their back facing each other and place a balloon between their backs. As they race to the finish line, they have to ensure that the balloon does not fall.

30. Twister In The Yard

Collect 3-4 spray cans of different colors and make circles in an open space. You can increase the number of lines as per the size of the family. The idea is to involve as many people as possible in this jolly game of twister.

31. Family Feud

Every family has a few feuds, right? However, your family will be keen to participate in this feud. Divide the group into teams of 4-6 people. Ask questions that have at least four answers. The team to give the most answers first receives more points.

32. T-shirt Pinata

This family activity will be an instant hit with the kids. All you need is a person with a fun personality who will wear a t-shirt with candy stuck to it. Make sure you apply very little glue to make it easy for children to rip them off. The little ones will go crazy to catch up with the walking pinata.

33. Sponge Throw

Hang a large tarpaulin sheet across two poles in your yard. Cut out a few squares and circles in the sheet. Next, dip a few pieces of sponge in water. Ask the teams to throw sponges through the cut-outs. The winner is the one who gets the most sponge pieces across.

34. Scones And Ball

Get soccer cones and beach balls. The players have to balance the balls on the scones and run. If the balls fall, they have to start over the race.

35. Pin The Tail

This classic game never fails to impress an audience. Display the game at a convenient spot where children and adults can play it between breaks.

36. Giant Jenga

Buy a box of giant Jenga to get everyone together. You can play this game both indoors and outside. If it is a small reunion, get the more common tabletop version of the game.

37. Yard Yahtzee

This super huge dice game will add a fun element to your family reunion. You can either play the conventional way or invent your own. Drink up every time someone gets two threes.

38. Tug Of War

No family likes wars, but this is not the usual one. You can place a children’s pool in the center and watch the losing team fall into it.

39. Sit And Pull Race

Divide the people into teams of two. Get a sleeping bag or a blanket on which a person can sit. The other member of the team has to pull the person and run towards the finish line. If it sounds fun, wait till you see people in action.

40. Circle Footie

This family game is when people do not want to move around much. Sit in a circle and toss a ball around. The catch here is that everyone has to keep the ball in the air without touching it. The person who lets it drop has to leave the circle.

41. Watermelon Challenge

A no-hands watermelon eating competition is perfect for summers. Cut slices of watermelon and have the contestants munch on them without using their hands. The first one to finish their piece becomes the winner.

42. Noodle-Hoop Game

Join a few hula hoops together to make a large structure. Hang this structure across two poles. Get pool noodles and ask the players to throw the noodles through the hoops. The team to pass maximum noodles across will win the game.

43. Water-balloon Games

Water balloon fight at a big family reunion
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Everyone likes indulging in water games when the weather is hot. So, fill a bucket of water balloons and play a game of baseball with a plastic bat. Everyone will be fighting to get a chance at hitting the balls.

44. Kites

The charm of flying kites never gets old. You can get everyone to fly kites in an open space. It will be one of those family reunions that people will remember forever.

45. Bowling

You do not have to get a new bowling set to enjoy this classic game at your family reunion. Get a few old water bottles and fill them with colored water. Stack them like a set of bowling pins and ask the players to knock them down with beach balls.

46. DIY Activities

When the games are over and everyone is exhausted, you can plan a DIY activity. The family members can make decoupage coasters or photo frames. They can even exchange them as their little return gifts from the reunion.

47. Pot Luck

Food is always the highlight of any family reunion. However, it can be challenging for one person to manage the food requirements. You can arrange a potluck to make things easy. Ask everyone to bring their best, and with so much good food around, everyone will have more reasons to smile.

48. Ball Toss

Hang a few empty containers from a tree or rope them across two poles. Ask the players to toss a ball into the containers. The one with maximum hoops will win the game.

49. Music

Make a playlist before you set off for the family reunion. People will enjoy the company, food, and games with good music in the background.

50. Karaoke Night

A group of family singing and enjoying the karaoke night
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Set up a karaoke machine and let family members take the stage to sing their favorite songs. It’s a lighthearted way to enjoy each other’s musical talents and have a good laugh.

51. Pictionary

Put your artistic skills to the test with a game of family Pictionary, but give it a classic twist by creating a list of words that are related to your family such as events, things, and a member’s unique talent among others. Divide your family into teams and let the fun begin.

52. Truth Or Dare

Gather around a cozy spot and begin the game by spinning an empty bottle. The person at whom the neck of the bottle will point will have to either choose to answer a question truthfully or will complete a challenge, given by the person sitting opposite them.

53. Family Recipe Cook-Off

Have a friendly cooking competition where each family member prepares a dish using a cherished family recipe. Set up a tasting panel to judge the dishes and award prizes to the winners.

54. Hot Chili Challenge

Place small bowls of chilies in front of each family member or the ones who are participating and challenge them to finish all. See which family member has the best spice tolerance and who gives up after having the first chili.

55. Story Relay

Divide into teams and create a relay race where each member adds a sentence to an ongoing story. Give each of them a paper and after the first person starts the story, they will pass that paper to the person sitting on their left. However, the catch is the second person will only pass their paper to the next person. This way everyone in the team only knows the previous sentence, which will create a humorous narrative.

56. Movie Night

A family watching a movie outside
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Set up an outdoor or indoor movie screening with family-favorite films. Provide popcorn, blankets, and comfy seating for a cozy night of watching your favorite stories on the screen.

57. Miniature Golf Tournament

Set up a mini-golf course with homemade obstacles and challenges. Arrange a tournament with family members competing for the title of “Family Miniature Golf Champion.”

58. Family Art Gallery

Encourage family members to showcase their artistic talents by setting up an art station. Provide supplies for painting, drawing, or crafting, and then display the completed works in a family art gallery.

59. Fashion Show

Encourage family members to raid their closets and put together outfits that represent different eras or themes representing your family’s past. Then, host a fashion show where everyone can strut in their attires.

60. Guess The Baby Photo

Ask family members to bring their baby photos to the reunion. Display the photos anonymously and have everyone try to guess who is who. It’s a delightful way to reminisce and share childhood stories.

61. Relay Art

Set up art stations with different materials and canvases. Family members take turns contributing to a collaborative art piece. The result will be a unique, family-created masterpiece.

62. Escape Room

Create an escape room experience with puzzles and clues related to your family’s history and traditions. Divide them into teams and then ask them to inside different ‘escape’ rooms. Each team must work together to ‘escape’ by solving riddles and unlocking family secrets.

63. Cultural Exchange

If your family has diverse backgrounds, have the specific members of the family prepare a presentation or activity that showcases their cultural heritage, including traditional food, music, or dance. It will be enriching as well as entertaining.

64. Historical Site Visit

Plan a visit to a place that has historical significance to your family, such as the town where your ancestors first settled or the site of a memorable family event.

65. Themed Costume Party

A group of family in costumes at a themed party
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Choose a fun theme for the costume party such as your favorite movie character, or favorite movie era, and ask them to dress up accordingly. The event will be an amalgamation of elegance and entertainment.

Nicci, a professional counselor and a blogger, shares her beautiful Halloween memory with her family coordinating their costume in Peter Pan theme. She shares her family pictures and says, “Coordinating Halloween costumes is so much fun! Especially since our kids are still young enough that they’ll cooperate with us (i).”

66. Genealogy Research

Hire a genealogist or use online resources to help family members look for their ancestry. Share interesting findings and discoveries during a presentation.

67. Story Podcast

Record family members sharing their favorite stories, memories, or advice. Edit the recordings into a family podcast episode to preserve the voices and stories of your loved ones.

68. Reunion Auction

Collect items with sentimental value or family significance, and hold an auction where family members can bid on them using false currency notes.

69. Book Discussion

Select a family-themed book to read together before the reunion. At the gathering, have a discussion about the book and its relevance to your family’s experiences and values.

70. Hopscotch Tournament

Create a hopscotch court using chalk or tape, and organize a friendly hopscotch tournament. Family members of all ages can participate, and you can even come up with special rules or challenges for added fun.

71. Frozen T-Shirt Competition

Soak a batch of T-shirts in water and then freeze them overnight. When they are frozen solid, have family members compete to see who can thaw, unfold, and put on their icy T-shirt the fastest. It’s a chilly and hilarious challenge that will have everyone laughing and bonding.

72. Donut Dangle Challenge

Hang donuts on strings or threads at different heights, and challenge family members to try and eat a donut without using their hands. It’s a sweet and amusing competition that’s sure to be a hit, especially with the kids. Be sure to have plenty of napkins on hand!

73. Paper Plane Showdown

A young girl playing with a paper plane
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Provide materials like colored paper, markers, and instructions for folding paper airplanes. After family members create their unique paper airplanes, organize a competition to see whose design can fly the farthest. It’s a simple yet entertaining activity that encourages creativity and friendly competition.

74. Lip Reading Challenge

Here’s a game that will certainly ensue laughter. Divide your family members into pairs. One will have to wear headphones and listen to the music in high volume while trying to guess what their partner is trying to say by reading their lips.

75. T-shirt Design Contest

Hold a T-shirt design competition where family members create unique reunion-themed designs. The winning design can be printed on shirts for everyone to wear.

76. Photography Contest

Challenge family members to capture objects, landscapes or anything that they feel describes the family in their cameras. Have a contest with categories like ‘Best Candid Shot’ or ‘Best Creative Shot’.

77. Map Exploration

Create a large map and mark it with the locations where family members reside, whether it’s across the country or around the world. Have each family or individual share something interesting about their location, such as local traditions, landmarks, or fun facts.

78. Awards Ceremony

Host an awards ceremony to celebrate family members’ unique qualities and achievements. Give out fun awards like ‘Best Storyteller’ and ‘Family Historian’ to recognize their contributions and foster family togetherness.

79. Signature Drink Creation

Invent a family-inspired beverage using your last name. For example, ‘Williams’s Sweet Tea With Fresh Herbs’. Family members can take turns crafting and sharing their creations for a unique and tasty experience.

80. Message Cups

Personalize plastic cups with your family’s famous sayings, mottos, or the reunion’s name and year. These cups not only add a special touch to mealtime but also serve as delightful keepsakes for family members to take home and cherish.

81. Selfie Challenge

Pass around a camera or smartphone with a timer set to take a selfie, but not a random one. In this challenge, one has to make the expression that is requested by another family member. It’s a hilarious way to capture memorable moments and create laughter during the reunion.

82. Thumbprint Tree Art

Set up a decorative family tree with colorful leaves and keep ink pads beside it. Invite family members to press their inked thumbprints onto the leaves to symbolize their presence and contribution to the family. This activity not only creates a beautiful visual representation of your family’s growth but also serves as a cherished keepsake to remember the reunion.

83. Human Knot

Sit or stand in a circle, and then hold hands by reaching across the circle to form a human knot. Without letting go of each other’s hands, try to untangle this knot. This activity will be a good ice-breaker, especially for the new family members.

84. Campfire Sing-Along

A group of family gathered around a campfire
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Gather around a campfire and sing family favorite songs or songs that have special meaning to your family. Bring along musical instruments for added fun and create lasting memories under the stars.

85. Poetry Slam

Encourage family members to write and perform original poems about family, heritage, or their personal experiences. Have a panel of judges or let the ones who are not participating be the audience and applaud their favorite pieces.

86. Alphabet Game

Name something with each letter in alphabetical order, but these things have to be related to your family in some way, for instance A for Alice’s notebook. By the end you reach Z, you will have a list of things that might surprise you.

87. Ice Cream Sundae Bar

Set up an ice cream sundae bar with a variety of toppings, and sauces and let family members create their own delicious treats. You can also have someone taste test and declare the most unique creation as the winner.

88. History Documentary Screening

Create a documentary about your family’s history, including interviews with older family members sharing their stories. Screen the documentary during the reunion for everyone to watch.

89. Banana Game

Distribute bananas with hidden markings, and family members mingle to find matching symbols or phrases. It encourages interaction and laughter, making it a quirky and memorable moment in your family reunion.

90. Ring Toss

A member of the family playing ring toss
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Set up the game with rings and stakes. Family members take turns tossing rings onto the stakes to score points. It’s a classic and competitive outdoor activity that adds a touch of friendly rivalry to your family reunion.

91. Ping Pong Toss

Create a fun carnival-style game by setting up a table with cups and ping pong balls. Family members take turns trying to toss ping pong balls into the cups to win prizes. It’s a great way to test your accuracy and have a blast at your family reunion.

92. Monopoly Tournament

Host a Monopoly tournament for family members to compete in the classic board game. Set up multiple game boards, and divide family member into teams. Award prizes to the winners, and watch as the excitement of buying, trading, and building monopolies unfolds at your family reunion.

93. Never Have I Ever

Hand everyone a glass of juice and gather in a circle and take turns sharing things you have never done. Anyone who has done that particular thing takes a sip of juice from their glass. It’s a revealing and entertaining game that helps family members learn surprising facts about each other during your reunion.

94. Uno Showdown

Close up of family playing UNO
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Set up Uno card tables and encourage family members to play this classic card game in groups. Create a friendly Uno tournament with prizes for the winners, adding a competitive yet enjoyable element to your family reunion.

95. On The Couch

Create a comfy “couch” area with blankets and pillows where family members can sit and chat. Use a designated ‘talking stick’ or an object to signify the person currently sharing stories, memories, or anecdotes. It’s a relaxed and engaging way to foster meaningful conversations and connections during your family reunion.

96. Build A Tower Challenge

Provide building materials like marshmallows and toothpicks or spaghetti and marshmallows, and challenge family members to work in teams to construct the tallest tower within a time limit. This hands-on activity promotes teamwork and creativity at your family reunion.

97. Poker Face Challenge

In this challenge, one person has to crack jokes, but the other person cannot laugh. You can divide your family members into teams or ask two random people to come up and take up this challenge. You can set a timer to see who managed to keep a poker face for the longest time.

98. Musical Chair Mayhem

Family playing musical chairs
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Revive the classic game of musical chairs at your family reunion. Arrange chairs in a circle with one chair less than the number of players. Play music, and as it stops, everyone rushes to find a seat. The person left standing is out, and one chair is removed for the next round. Continue until only one person remains seated, earning the title of Musical Chair Champion.

99. Flour Game Frenzy

Create a messy yet hilarious atmosphere at your family reunion by forming a flour mound or heap with candy on top. The players have to use a plastic spoon to cut away the flour from the sides without dropping the candy; the one who drops the candy must retrieve it with their mouth.

If you want to make the reunion extraordinary, create memories that people can cherish for a long time to come. Here are a few ideas to make the reunion special.

What Can You Do To Make Your Family Reunion Special?

  • Make Your Decorations

Decorations make up a big part of your family reunion. Involve children in the decorations so that they look forward to the reunion. You can also use family pictures or write incidents on huntings.

  • Start With An Icebreaker

When you all meet up after a couple of years, there is a good chance you will find new faces. To make everyone comfortable, start with an icebreaker.

  • Have A Memory Board

Collect pictures from everyone before the reunion. You can make a poster or memory board and put those family photos to good use. People will remember this family gathering idea forever.

  • Make Traditions

Every reunion is different. However, some fun activities for family reunions become a hit with everyone. Take a vote and ask everyone to list their favorite ones. The top picks can become a family tradition.

  • Offer Return Gifts

When there is something to take back from a reunion, that present will become a memory of the precious time spent with family. It could be as simple as a picture collage, DIY photo frames, or greeting cards.

If you are planning a family reunion for the first time, learning more about what happens in a gathering can help you prepare better.

What Do People Do At A Family Reunion?

  • Play Games

People attend reunions to spend quality time with their extended family. Games and fun activities are the best way to bring them together in teams. People enjoy competing against each other and playing silly games.

  • Indulge In Food

Reunions allow you to take a break from your diet and indulge in delicious food. Besides, sharing good food with the people you care about makes the occasion even more special. Family reunions are also an opportunity to exchange family recipes that might have been forgotten along the way.

  • Make Memories

Family reunions are the best experiences that people can spend their money on. People meet with their loving families separated by distance but still close to their hearts.

  • Have Fun

Family reunions are loads and loads of fun. Even if there are no activities or games planned, just being surrounded by your near and dear ones is enough to feel joyful.

Let us look at some family bonding and reunion theme ideas to make your meet-up merrier.

What Are The Different Themes For A Family Reunion?

Family playing badminton
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1. Sun And Sand

As the name suggests, this is the reunion in a beachy town. You can use umbrellas, beach towels, beach balls, string lights, coconuts, and Hawaiian garlands for decorations. A game of volleyball becomes almost mandatory for such a reunion. You can also plan a sandcastle competition or go surfing.

2. Milestone Anniversary Or Birthday

If an anniversary is coming up or someone is hitting a milestone birthday, plan a family reunion around the date to make it all the more exciting. With the family around, the day will become memorable for the people celebrating their special day.

3. Carnival

There is a lot you can do at a carnival-themed family reunion. Ask everyone to dress up in cool outfits for a family parade. The elders can have booths where the children can come and play. Do not forget to arrange lots of candy, hot dogs, and popcorn.

4. Sports

You can plan a family Olympics day and enjoy outdoor sports. Divide the teams into different nations and ask them to dress up like their athletes. You can even use the Olympics trademark and design something unique about your family on the t-shirts.

5. Family History

This is one of the best ways to revisit your family roots. You can plan a trip to your ancestral town or home. Ask everyone to bring old photo albums and collect family mementos. It can be wedding invitations from their parents or anything that reminds them of the bygone days.

6. Holiday Reunion

A family get-together or a family vacation around Christmas can be very easy on the planners. The vibes are already festive, and everyone is in a jolly good mood. You can have the children exchange presents to make the day remarkable for them.

Before you set off for a family reunion, do you think having a checklist will be handy? Scroll down to create your checklist and make the most of the occasion.

Checklist For A Family Reunion

  • Invitations – Prepare a guest list of those expected to visit the family reunion. Send out invitations well in advance to get the RSVPs and estimate the number of people. Doing so will help you understand if you need to shift the dates to get more attendance.
  • Venue – When you have a confirmed number, it becomes easier to book a venue. If you are selecting a cabin or a venue outside, mention any special requests beforehand.
  • Itinerary – Planning the days will give structure to the reunion. Ensure there are lots of family activities so that everyone gets to spend time together.
  • Activities And Fun Family Games – With the several options shared above, this will become a cakewalk. After deciding how the days will pan out, get all the props and knick-knacks required for the reunion.
  • Food – Food is the special attraction of a reunion. Discuss with the other family members if they prefer a potluck or catering. If people are traveling out of their hometowns, it makes more sense to cater the food.

You can take a few steps to ensure that everyone is safe in a family reunion during a pandemic. Read on to explore how you can achieve that.

Family Reunion Ideas During Pandemic

  • Discuss –  Communication is the key here. It will help you discern the risk tolerance of the group. If people are not comfortable, postpone the reunion. With vaccinations drive in full swing, it makes sense to get vaccinated before the reunion.
  • Follow Covid-Appropriate Behavior – Wear masks and follow social distancing to keep the virus in check. Wash your hands frequently and sanitize the surfaces often touched.
  • Opt For A Less-Frequented Place –  Popular places like national parks, malls, or restaurants will be teeming visitors. To keep it safer for your family, opt for an off-beat location. One of the best options is to book rental houses to limit your exposure to other travelers.

Infographic: 7 Family Reunion Games For A Fun Get Together

Whether it is the festive season rolling or your summer vacations, or maybe your cousin’s wedding that brings your family together, celebrate this time with your extended family and enjoy it to the fullest. This will also give you an opportunity to catch up on what’s happening in each other’s life lately and help you all get closer. If you are looking for some interesting family reunion activities, take a look at the infographic below.

7 family reunion games for a fun get together (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Family reunions are always special and exciting. People who have seen you at your worst and still love you the hardest get together under one roof. There is so much to talk about and much more love to give and receive. However, you can take the excitement up a notch by putting on the cap of an event manager and making a big party out of the reunion. Try these super fun family reunion ideas to create wholesome family memories to look back on and make the most of the gathering.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a successful family reunion?

A successful family reunion is one in which everyone can equally participate in activities of their liking, have good conversations and can relax and rejuvenate amongst their loved ones.

Who pays for a family reunion?

There is no hard and fast rule with regards to who pays for a family reunion. It depends on the host and whether they would like to foot the entire bill or if they would like to collect a fund by splitting the cost with the attendees.

What is the best theme for a reunion?

A great theme for a reunion would be one which takes into account the tastes and preferences of all the attendees and keeping it balanced to accomodate the various age groups who are likely to attend the reunion.

Key Takeaways

  • Family reunions provide a much-needed break from your hectic schedule and allow you to spend quality time with your loved ones.
  • All you need to do is decide a theme, arrange the décor and menu, prepare the guest list, and send out invitations.
  • Play games, eat delicious food, make memories, and have a good time.

Create lasting memories with family members at your next family reunion! Watch this video to get ideas to make it special and unforgettable.

Personal Experience: Source

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